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Ward-Mincer ,ammers

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KARIBUNDI | 18:26 Tue 25th Jul 2006 | People & Places
10 Answers
On the subject of that prat W-M below, I for one find his references of hoping someone gets cancer, completely uncalled for, - is this an insight into his pshyce? if so, perhaps someone could explain how this piece of utter **** is allowed on this site!


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i don't often come onto people & places Karibundi, but by you posting the above, you are taking the bait? ward minter the new sexyrussian......?
I fully agree of that subject. Lets face it, I suspect that ALL of us have a friend/family suffering from cancer and to read his comments does make you wonder just what sort of object he is.
It was the face cancer jibe that got to me - the bulk of my work is with the terminally ill - I currently have two patients with a facial skin cancer and it doesn't sit easily with me that he should have made that comment no matter how cross he was with the ABer he posted it to. I know there are many times he posts good answers and appears to be genuinely caring but this is where he lets himself down. (In my opinion.) Dollie
It doesn't bother me ~ and I have been personally affected by cancer. I also have a special needs child, and wasn't offended by his comments regarding special needs kids.

Maybe it is just me, but my opinion is that saying anything could offend..whether you talk about heart attacks, mental illness, suicide, abortion etc. Should/can everyone watch what they say ALL of the time?
All people have to live with their own consciences about what they do and say. I'm not madly enthusiastic about that particular jibe but niether do I police ward-minter's soul, so he's free to say it or not, it's for him to live with.
Are you the new AB police by the way KARIBUNDI because I've not seen you post anything else?
yes Pippa but you dont wish it on anyone do you, thats the difference.
In my world that sort of thing is beyond the realms of human decency. I have to say, other than this sort of thing which i loathe, he is a funny man at times and also helpful. I read one of his posts once and i have to say, it was the best answer i had ever seen given on here. There is no love lost between myself and Wardy and i just wish he wouldn't let himself down with those sort of comments.

Nox, people are bound to be offended by such things. Thats only natural so dont expect everyone to sit quietly back and say "oh well, its ward Minter, thats just the way he is"
Well actually I have wished it on a person once..nobody here, I hasten to add. let's just say it was someone incredibly unsavoury in my *real' life who has caused me no end of pain.

However, I do agree with nox. It isn't up to me to police the AB or anywhere else. If I did, I would get rid of certain people ;o) I appreciate everyones concerns following WMs comment & I do think it was the wrong thing to say, but I wasn't offended by it.
ive already made my tuppenceworth but i dont care who types it or says it and i dont give a bollox if "thats the way they are" its wrong and woe betide anyone who said that within earshot of me

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