Knife crime in The AnswerBank: People & Places
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Knife crime

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crapmemory | 17:25 Wed 21st Mar 2007 | People & Places
10 Answers
It seems every day there is somebody who gets stabbed. Anyone got any ideas how it could be stopped?
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Suit of armour?
Laws have to be made, and enforced, make it so you have to register with the police before you can buy a knife, and if you have one and use it illegally. The Stocks
But Lonnie - would that mean that you'd need to register every time you bought a butter knife in Tesco? Think it through - if you outlaw one type of knife, they'll only use another.
get rid of ASBOs and introduce harsher penalties for carrying a weapon. if the punishments were harsher then it might well act as a deterrent.
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What about lowering the age for prosecuting offenders? If they think they are big enough to carry and use a knife then arrest them. If you can't do the time then don't do the crime.
Hi Whickerman, yes, I thought of that as I was writing, there would have to be exceptions, for household use etc, but I think my idea, which on first sight, does seem impractible, has the basis of rectifying whats happening at present.

What is legal and illegal, use and/or possession, would have to be determined.
perhaps bowie knives, swords, machetes, etc etc could be more controlled, but you can stab someone with a kitchen knife so all the extra effort and palaver in enforcing this ruling, would outweigh the actual effectiveness.

if i wanted to stab someone a ban would not affect me because i have a kicthen full of legal weapons.

i believe most knife wound are inflicted by kitchen knives.

the more elaborate ones tend to just be for show.

there was a knife amnesty not so long ago and that got thousands of elaborate, bizarre and scary looking knives.

besides, it didn't stop people having guns.
Thats true joko, but what we then need, is punishment to fit the crime.

As a matter of interest, what would you advocate as punishment for someone who stabbed someone with a kitchen knife?.

Me, if it was murder, then death, but there are varying opinions on that.
same as any murder - life

the weapon would not concern me, more the premeditation and act
The government should ban them like they banned all firearms, nobody gets shot now, do they?

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