Alton Towers Tickets in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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Alton Towers Tickets

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janetsflower | 07:38 Sun 22nd Jul 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers
My mate says he has read that if you look in the dungheap you will find half price alton towers tickets. We are taking this to mean awebsite somewhere but can't find it - anyone know - or otherwise does anyone know where you can get half price alton towers tickets??
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The Dungheap is a new attraction this year at Alton Towers.

Virgin Trains seems to be running a cheap all inclusive package to the theme park and does mention the Dung Heap on the website. I'm not certain if this is half-price though.

For more information, just Google "Alton Towers Dungheap". There's quite a few links there.
Sainsburys are doing "2 adults for the price of 1" as prizes on their latest game cards - I've go several that I won't use if you want them.
i have a couple of tickets one goes in free with one paying if you would like some

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