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coggles | 12:39 Sat 01st May 2004 | People & Places
3 Answers
Without going into too many details, I have just found out that I have another cousin. The cousin has been traced after they were put up for adoption 40 years ago. My aunt has now told her husband (not the 'childs' father) and he has reacted brilliantly. They are a lovely couple and I understand why she felt she had to do what she did.. She has now told her only child that he has a sibling and he is shocked but appears to be happy. This is all very recent and lots of e-mails are flying about, with photos and brief family histories etc. Is there a support group that can help to deal with all the different issues and questions that are, and will be raised or do any of you have a similar experience? My 'new' cousin had been searching for my aunt and it was actually my mum that traced him last week. At the moment, we are all a little shell-shocked but looking forward to meeting at some stage in the near future. Thank you.
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Firstly, I should have put: ......told her 'only' child..... Secondly, to post an answer, press your TAB key until you see the box where you type your answer and 'Submit' . Thank you.
I found out a few years ago I have a 'sister' and I didn't react 'brilliantly' as far as I am concerned I am still an only child. Can't write more as I can feel myself getting annoyed just thinking about it
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Thank you Trudi. I obviously won't go into detail here, but I really appreciate the IM chat we had earlier. I understand your feelings and would have reacted the same way as you did. However, let's just hope that everything with my 'new' cousin will work out for the best for everyone involved. Although nervous, I am hoping to meet him, once my 'old' cousin, aunt and uncle have first.

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