Unsurprisingly enough, I was born, raised and still reside in Derby which is not pronounced as 'DURBY' like some of my Yorkshire colleagues insist. Famous sons of Derby (although I have to stretch this to the entire shire) consist of Robert Lindsay (luvvie), Alan Rickman (another luvvie), Ellen MacArthur (reclusive sailor), John Flamsteed (Astronomer Royal), Joe Davis (World Champion Snooker Player), Herbert Spencer (Founder of Modern Sociology), Rolls Royce (Cars and Aero Engines - although now just Aero Engines in Derby) and on an even more tenous note Florence Nightingale, Mary Queen of Scots (under house arrest). Also Bonnie Prince Charlie got as far as Derby on his quest to seize the English crown and then decided to turn back. That still hurts Charlie, not nice that!