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London Demonstrations

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AllYourBase | 20:38 Thu 16th Sep 2004 | News
6 Answers
Did more people attend the anti iraq war demo in London, than the Countryside Alliance pro hunting demonstration a few months before? Or was it the other way around?
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According to the organisers of the Anti-War demo, there were two million people on the march. Even the BBC, who can be relied on to be more sober about numbers said it was 1.5 million. It remains the largest civil demonstration in Britain's history.
At the time, the police - who, unlike the organisers, have experience of such calculations - estimated the anti-war numbers at � million.
The pro hunting demonstration was small compared to most demonstrations.
pro hunt demonstration was tiny about 3000 people or so, anti-war around the million mark depending on whos figures you go for.
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I am sure there was a big countryside alliance demo last year. Have I just been confused? Was it more hype than substance?
Probably was a big one, but nothing in comparisson to the anti war demo.

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