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ING NYC Marathon

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Gallifrey77 | 19:47 Fri 10th Sep 2010 | People & Places
4 Answers
A friend of mine did this a few years back, and I have been thinking a lot about it recently. Has anyone ever done this before? is it too late to register? i can't seem to get a answer anywhere.


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19:51 Fri 10th Sep 2010
Actually you can still enter the race. An organization named Team Continuum that still has tickets. I'm here on behalf of Team Continuum to spread the word.Team Continuum helps raise money to provide immediate and vital, non-medical, assistance to cancer patients and their families where the diagnosis results in disruption, hardship and uncertainty in their everyday lives.Check out the website for more details:
Actually you can still enter the race. An organization named Team Continuum that still has tickets. I'm here on behalf of Team Continuum to spread the word.Team Continuum helps raise money to provide immediate and vital, non-medical, assistance to cancer patients and their families where the diagnosis results in disruption, hardship and uncertainty in their everyday lives.Check out the website for more details:
I actually fell for it - I assumed that it was a legit question, went and found the answer and posted a link.


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ING NYC Marathon

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