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RIP Dave Allen.

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smudge | 15:30 Fri 11th Mar 2005 | People & Places
21 Answers
I hear that Dave Allen has just died. What did you think of his humour?


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Good. Funny guy. Great delivery. Genuine talent. Sad he's gone.
Shame - he was terrific, that's the end of an era
intelligent, that's what I thought of his humour. Anybody got any examples? I'd love to hear the jokes again
I seem to remember he caused a stir with his shows sometimes but I loved him.  Sorry that he's died at no great age - think he overdid the drink & cigs for a long time.
Brilliant humour I agree with woofgang ,let�s hope they repeat some of his shows.

Found a few of his funny stories here woofgang....

really sad to hear of his death.  Consistently funny guy, fantastic delivery. 

One of the funniest things I recall from Dave's shows was the sketch in which he parodied an anti drink-driving advert current at the time. The real thing showed the figure of Death, complete with shroud and scythe, stalking young drinkers and eventually appearing on the road at the spot at which they were about to have their fatal accident.

In Dave's version, Death stalked a drunk driver but - when he got to the fatal spot - the drunk simply drove over him, flattened him and sped on! Brilliant.

A sad loss, indeed.

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LOL Quizzie - that was a brilliant sketch! 

We both loved him. They say only the good die young -RIP Dave, you were one of the best!

P.S. Perhaps he'll be reunited with his finger up in Heaven!

RIP Dave Allen - may your God be with you
Oh dear, I think he was one of the greatest comediens. I used to like him telling his tales of vampires and the way he'd say "Draa cuuu laaa" RIP Dave.
As a 70s kid, I was aware of Dave Allen as my introduction (along with Spike Milligan) to adult humour - of course, I didn't get all of his stuff at first, but as time went on I realised what a great comic he was.

I loved the way he'd start off seeming so laid back, perched on his stool, whisky in hand, and gradually get more and more steamed up railing against some ludicrous element of life. Hilarious.

brilliant ! ! !

A lovely and very funny man. It's interesting that not one posting has been other than complimentary, and it's doubtful that would happen very often.

I saw him live once and ached from laughing.

RIP Dave


I didn't know he had died.  My dad was a great fan and although he and I very rarely find the same things funny, I did end up laughing quite a lot at his Dave Allen videos.
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Thank you for all your answers - he was indeed an interesting character. +
loved the sketch where he is a middle aged priest in the confessional and a young girl goes in and tells him all her "sins" and leaves ....then you see dave coming out of the confessional old, bent over ..grey hair and needing a walking stick.....
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One of his best quips" I`M AN ATHIEST,THANK GOD" brilliant! RIP XX
Robinia, thanks for the link

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RIP Dave Allen.

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