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Where should I move to if I want top leisure facilities
The consulting firm found that American and Australian cities score highest in terms of leisure facilities. In America, New York, Los Angeles, Washington DC, Bostson, Chicago and San Francisco have the best leisure facilities, while down in Australia, head for Sydney and Melbourne.
What is the world's lowest-ranking city for recreation
Brazzaville, the capital of Congo, wins this accolade. The downtown area of Brazzaville has been severely damaged by fighting and shelling during the civil war, so there are no cinemas and other recreational facilities are minimal. Also, the city's few restaurants are severely affected by a shortage of basic foods.
What about the best public transport and traffic control
Copenhagen, Oslo, Singapore, and Vancouver are top of the world league when it comes to getting around.
Where are the worst cities for public transport
Madras and Bangalore in India are ranked as the worst cities for public transport and traffic.
How did they rate these cities
The cities are scored on the number of and variety of restaurants, the frequency and range of musical and theatrical performances, the number of cinemas and availability of health and leisure clubs and sports facilities in the area.