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If I was a police officer and I pulled you over, how would you react?

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cyrus1984 | 23:13 Fri 29th Apr 2011 | Society & Culture
64 Answers
I'm a 27 year old male.


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Okay yes, I'm Josh Perry.

It was for a survey.
I would wait until you go out your car then burn rubber down the road until eventually colliding with a tree before making off on foot and hiding in a hedge all in a desperate attempt to get on Police, Camera, STOP
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Hello Officer, does that head of yours reach right up to the top of your Helmet ?
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I would ask if he wanted to take down my particulars
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marval what does that mean?
You are the policeman. Try asking CID. I was always told that the police lack imagination
If I was in the Skyline, you wouldn't.
In the Renault ... another story : )
Worried, I don't have a driving licence.
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awww - not my blowddy seat belt again.....I told you its a cheap thrill I can do without !
I would want to know what I had done to be pulled over ..
It would obviously depend on when and why you pulled me over. For example, if I was speeding for no really good reason I might just apologise and try to soft soap you. If I was speeding because I had a woman in labour in the car and was trying to get to the hospital I'd ask you for a police escort.
does my bum look big in this
once I get my car back, no chance.

while I have the Noddy courtesy car.. well, I won't get pulled up for speeding :o/
what is the significance of your age and gender? police are police..
I just love a man in uniform. Your place or mine?
Why would I want to blow in your bag? Are your chips hot?

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If I was a police officer and I pulled you over, how would you react?

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