Hi Saf - For the poll to mean anything, you need to answer for yourself rather than answer with the voice of your preferred religion/belief.
Many of the questions in the poll had to do with cultural or moral values derived from ones beliefs, and it is the slavish adherence to a literal interpretation of "holy text" and the hostile reactions to criticism or indeed any other worldview that are the cause of many of the current violent and deadly incidents around the world.
For the majority of people in the various religious communities, I think it probably likely that most are "just plain folks" and are pretty tolerant of differences, and I don't have any issue with these people - except that for myself i think that all religions act as regressive vectors on human cultural and societal development.
We can hope that they atrophy and over time become a kind of quaint tribal custom, to be wheeled out at births, deaths and weddings as a way of reaffirming your roots :)