True, when faced with injustice, we may feel inclined to cry out: “Where is the God of justice?” That was the exclamation of the Jews of Malachi’s day. (Malachi 2:17) Did God take their complaint seriously? On the contrary, it made him feel “weary” because, among other things, they themselves were dealing treacherously with their wives who had grown old, divorcing them on the flimsiest of pretexts. God expressed his concern over ‘the wives of their youth, with whom they had dealt treacherously, although they were their partners and the wives of their covenant.’—Malachi 2:14.
Can we legitimately complain about injustice if we ourselves act unjustly? On the other hand, if we try to imitate Jesus by rooting out prejudice and racism from our hearts, by being impartial and loving to all, and by not returning evil for evil, we show that we truly love justice.