When did this practice start? in The AnswerBank: Society & Culture
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When did this practice start?

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BlueScorpion | 09:54 Tue 08th May 2012 | Society & Culture
22 Answers
I've been to a couple of weddings in the last year (the first for about 8 years) and in both cases small gifts were placed on the tables for the guests. I don't recall this happening before, does anyone know where this practice came from or when it started.
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You have GOT to have favours at a wedding! :0D lol you even get them at christenings communions etc now- a wrapped cookie in shape of a rattle
Etc or a wee cupcake?

My pals wedding i was up all night making the bloody favours!!!! She also gave wine stoppers or keyrings in shape of a BIG diamond ring xx
I've had them at quite a few weddings. Last one was mini rolls of love heart sweets with the bride and groom's names on in a little net bag tied with a ribbon, I kept one and we collected a load of the others to "decorate" the marital bed in their hotel room (tastefully I should say!).

One had little packs of trivial pursuit questions and such on the tables.

My brother's had glowsticks you could link together to make bracelets or necklaces (and interesting things for kilts!) for the reception party - they were great on the dancefloor with the lights down.

I've also known of disposable cameras being put on tables for guests to take photos which the bride and groom can they have to add to their other wedding ones.

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