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@Nox I take the general point you are making that maybe those protesting against prostitution or this particular story may be challenged by women asserting their own sexuality or control - but I really do not think that is it that makes me uncomfortable about this story.
I have no problems with prostitution or escorting or whatever the current euphemism is. Indeed, I would go further and legalise and liberalise things even more,including making brothels legal, although such initiatives could lead to some potentially embarassing conversations during career day guidance etc and problems over planning permissions for the sitings of the brothels.
I still cannot quite put my finger on what irritates me about this story. I think it is the reality TV element - turning such issues into a "famous for 15 minutes / celebrity" thing, plus the sheer perviness of unknown males bidding shed loads of cash for a virgin that leads to the uneasiness.
As others have said though- such money would set her up for life I guess, and it is her body at the end of the day...