Most of the schools are out! What has happenned to society? I can't remember ever having a day off school due to weather. When the heating broke we had lessons in our coats! Is this some sort of health and safety effect?
Dont know, I dont ever remember my school being closed due to snow.My sons old school would close because a lot of the teachers lived quite a distance away.
very likely, once we would have walked to school, now many parents take their children in the car, that teachers would whack you with a chalk duster or on the the back of the hand, at least those things are gone now...
i guess some things are just inevitable, trains, buses, and people stop going when we have bad weather, we should be used to it by now.
I lived in scotland as a child and i remember the schools closing and getting snowed in with no power for a couple of days each year and this was 30 years ago!
Can never remember schools being closed when I went to them. If some teachers couldn't get in the children would be divided up between those that did, or go into the school hall and do group activities.
I can remember in 1963 the bus not turning up so walking in the thick snow about 5 miles. No thought of going back home!
I work in a school and in our case about 75% of the children (about 1000) are bussed in. The bus companies couldn't guarantee getting them back home again so the decision was made not to open at all. Plus the fact that if a child had slipped on an icy patch we'd probably have been sued! I'm old enough to remember the winter of 62/63 and we all got to school - mind you we all walked and most of the teachers were local.
But you're spot on about the bus transport - despite the urban myth that all of today's children are driven to school by their parents in huge 4x4s a large number go in and out on school busses
In the good old days teachers and pupils lived a lot nearer school. Nowadays some country school teachers travel a long way. If they can't get to school, then school will be shut.
Ours never closed, I lived just under the 3-mile limit for a free bus ticket so I often had to walk. Those were the days when we had proper fogs - I can remember one day when I had no idea where the other side of the road was, I've no idea how I eventually got there.
A bit of snow and our education system grinds to a halt
Idle headteachers/teachers who see a bit of snow and fancy a day off
I appreciate that some kids have to travel to school by bus but if our crazy education authorities had kept schools to catchment areas instead of opening them up to all and sundry from far afield then a lot of those kids would live within walking distance of their school
JoeLuke, catchment areas are still in place but there is a shortage of primary school places so children inevitably have to travel. Also; it is not the teacher's decision to close a school; I went in today and school was going to close early and the head told me to leave so I could get home. It took me nearly 2 hours to make a 40 minute journey and if it doesn't get better by Monday I won't be struggling in to school; I would love to be able to get in and stay in as there is so much we need to be doing but the roads are lethal!
And it's not just the education system; around our way most of the bus companies weren't running buses and I had a text from the gym saying they would be closing early.
Joeluke - if you want '13 weeks a year off' become a teacher, simple. Teachers don't close schools, head teachers/LEAs/transport companines do and it is always reluctantly.