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Has Ab Become More Racist?

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jake-the-peg | 12:28 Tue 26th Feb 2013 | Society & Culture
54 Answers
I joined AB abut 8 years ago and perhaps it's my memory but I don't remember the constant stream of casual racism that we see now.

Every day we seem to have some story picked out of the press - allways regarding some crime comitted by a black youth or Asian man with the predictable chorus of complaint that why can't they be deported.

Almost as if crime was a purely racial issue.

Is this my memory playing tricks on me or has AB actually become a home from home for racial prejudice?


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The way I see it is like this:
There are quite a few Daily Mail reading borderline (if not actual) tories here and about three armchair fascists, many of whom have presented at one time or other comments that seem a bit near the mark.
I see quite a lot of covert racism - not *blatant* out and out racism, but more of the insidious type eg. people who use expressions like "our coloured bretherin" "Johnny Foreigner" "people of the Asian persuasion" etc. people who probably claim not to be racists but you can just tell that if their grand daughter presented their new black fiancee at a family event they would be secretly squirming.
Of course all of the above is speculative and I invite anyone who thinks it's unfair comment to come forward and tell me to stick my opinions where the sun don't shine.
I don't think AB has become more racist, it's just that the few with 'colourful' opinions tend to post more.
If anything.......I feel that it has become LESS racist in the past couple of years.
I agree totaly with Rojash
No. OPs post from papers or tv news where diabolical incomprehensible malpractises occur. Did you see on tv the handover in Afganistan to locally trained police, at tax payers expense? What do they do with the trust & power, use a 'piggy bank' of kids for their lust.
What's that got to do with Racism tambo?
i find that AB contains more liberal, forgiving, non-racist, anything goes people than anything I've come across in real life. Your mind is playing tricks on you.
Is it racist to report actions of other cultures ? Thats what I read from ABs news.
No tambo it isn't racist

Unless one draws the conclusion that therefore all Afghans are inferior simply because they are Afghan
I never said that Zuel but I do pbject to tax payers part.

I think you'll find that everything our forces are doing in Afghanistan or anywhere else is at 'taxpayers' expense'
Maybe they are relating to the world around them. Put yourself at the front line in Greece where it is estimated 90% of illegal immigrants pass through into the EU. They are so disturbed about it but are building a wall to keep them out from Turkey similar to what happens on the US/Mexico border.
But i take your point

It is somewhat inevitable that we and our allies are implicated in appalling behaviour because we are propping up a corrupt and questionable regime.

All this will just help the Taliban sweep these people away once we are gone.
I think, jake, that AB users hold a wide variety of opinions. The problem is that immediately anybody raises immigration or race as an issue in a particular topic, out come accusations of racism. I don’t doubt that among AB users (as among almost any other section of society) there are some who hold racist views. The problem is that in manifesting any views on topics that involve race immediately lays one open to racism charges.

As you probably gather, I am no great supporter of socialism (in its many guises). But I’d like to thinks that I can make my views known without being accused of “anti-socialism” (can’t think of a better term). But it seems this is not so. In this very thread we have this:

“There are quite a few Daily Mail reading borderline (if not actual) tories here..”

“…borderline tories”? It gives me the impression that being a Tory supporter is either some sort of disease (as in “borderline schizophrenic”) or some sort of criminal. Imagine if it were replaced by “borderline Labour supporter”. Outrageous!

Like it or not many people have views on immigration with which you may not agree. These views inevitably get blurred with views on race and hence with racism. I don’t think the views of most people on AB have necessarily become more racist. I think it’s more that there has been a considerable increase in the number of topics involving immigrants and immigration reported in the recent past.
Maybe the problems of race is affecting more people so they are more aware of the problems caused by immigration and our multi cultural society.

My mother lived in Hillingdon, West London (she died last February) which has a high immigrant population due to London airport being in the area.

She got a newsletter every so often from the local council about issues in the area.

The last one she showed me beofre she died was about the number of people in Hillingdon who were building sheds or garages (or other buildings) at the bottom of their garden and then renting them out to immigrant families, asylum sekers, illegal immigrants etc.

These buildings have no proper sanitation, running water etc.

The council have to keep raiding these houses and demolishing these outbuildings.

Now you say you joined AB 8 years ago, but did that sort of thing happen back then? Probably not, and if so very rarely.

And as has been said, we had the three bombers from Birmingham a week so back, and the fact Birmingham was still on "high terror alert".

So more and more we see the impact of our lax immigration impacting our day to days lives, so people ARE going to get more upset and angry.

The problems of our debt, jobs being lost, prices rising and so on are all going to fuel people's anger.

And when we see 2.4 million people are on the dole we all begin to wonder why we keep letting people in the country when there are not even enough jobs for the ones already here.

Why daughter and boyfriend are trying to emigrate to Australia (she has had enough of this country). But even though they both have skills needed in Australia they still have to go through hoops to get a visa, have their skills assessed in this country, AND pay money to get a visa. And even then they cannot get in unless csomebody over there agrees to sponsor them with jobs.

Yet over here we seem to take anybody and everybody, even if they cant speak English, have no skills, have nothing to offer the country, and even threaten to blow us up.

No wonder people are getting annoyed.
I am definitely not racist, but cannot understand why people of all creeds and colours cannot laugh at themselves. I have posted jokes (in the jokes section) and they have been removed because someone has taken offence at them. They have only been mildly 'racist' and were not even intended so but they were still removed. But there you are - people are just people.
My nephew married a lovely Malaysian girl with skin the colour of creamy chocolate. Guess who objected to the marriage? Well, it wasn't us!!
Jesus VHG, you can not say that on here! you will get hung for your views, shame on you.
What do you see as a problem with VHGs post TWR?
Nothing Baldric, it was a very honest post, & I agree with him / her 100%

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