Film, Media & TV4 mins ago
What Do You Think ...
21 Answers
...of the new Birmingham Central Library ?
http:// uk/imgr es?q=ne w+birmi ngham+l ibrary& amp;saf e=activ e&s a=X& ;hl=en& amp;biw =1280&a mp;bih= 822& ;tbm=is ch& tbnid=R vlLNTrV UPZm7M: &im grefurl =http:/ / ardian. k/2013/ apr/29/ birming ham-lib rary-re ady-boo ks& docid=D zOv3ydz TyrJtM& amp;img url=htt p://sta tic.gui /sys-im ages/Gu ardian/ Pix/pic tures/2 013/4/2 9/13672 6276115 8/Birmi ngham-l ibrary- 008.jpg &w= 460& ;h=276& amp;ei= n2qCUb6 cLMz40g XryoHIB A&z oom=1&a mp;iact =rc& ;dur=23 4&p age=3&a mp;tbnh =137&am p;tbnw= 213& ;start= 56& ndsp=36 &ve d=1t:42 9,r:80, s:0,i:3 31& tx=104& amp;ty= 70
and here is what it replaces
http:// uk/imgr es?q=ol d+birmi ngham+c inemas+ central +librar y&u m=1& ;safe=a ctive&a mp;sa=N &hl =en& ;biw=12 80& bih=822 &tb m=isch& amp;tbn id=7fwv fuVSCFw ujM:&am p;imgre furl=ht tp://ex pbirmin gham.wo rdpress .com/&a mp;doci d=Dr8ys GihxteT eM& imgurl= http:// expbirm ingham. files.w ordpres 007/10/ dsc_014 1.jpg&a mp;w=22 40& h=1488& amp;ei= ImuCUcy YA5Tz0g W-6YGwD w&z oom=1&a mp;iact =rc& ;page=1 &tb nh=148& amp;tbn w=259&a mp;star t=0& ;ndsp=3 0&v ed=1t:4 29,r:6, s:0,i:1 03& tx=159& amp;ty= 7
and here is what it replaces
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I live in Birmingham and go up to the city centre a lot to photograph buildings and on going building projects.
I did not like the building when I first saw the drawings, and as it has gone up I still don't like it.
I have TRIED to like it, but just cant bring myself to like it.
To me its nothing more than a few boring square boxes stuck one on top of the other, with an awful metal fretwork covering on the outside.
I think the lack of visible windows from the outside makes it look rather soul less.
I don't think I will ever like it, though I cant wait for them to knock down the old library and redevelop the whole area.
This is what will replace the old library and surrounding buildings
http:// www.par adiseci .uk/
I did not like the building when I first saw the drawings, and as it has gone up I still don't like it.
I have TRIED to like it, but just cant bring myself to like it.
To me its nothing more than a few boring square boxes stuck one on top of the other, with an awful metal fretwork covering on the outside.
I think the lack of visible windows from the outside makes it look rather soul less.
I don't think I will ever like it, though I cant wait for them to knock down the old library and redevelop the whole area.
This is what will replace the old library and surrounding buildings
Proper libraries should look like this:
http:// s0.geog raph.or ophotos /01/94/ 26/1942 604_e74 de4c9.j pg