A pal of mine has just told me his son has been given sex education at the age of 9. Now he's using what he's learnt to ask embarrasing questions to all and sundry and is in all sorts of trouble in school and with relatives generally and cannot understand why. I remember sex education at the age of approx 13-14. Surely 9 is far too young to get a proper grasp of this difficult subject so why are primary school childreen being burdened so young?
My daughter, aged 5, asked me how Mums get babies in their tummy.
I told her they have a big special hug, with someone they love, and then they have a baby in their tummy.
Octavius......he brought diagrams of naked male and female home at the end of term, pupils had to name body parts and draw arrows to their locations on the diagrams......and yes clitoris was on there
At least he knew where it was I guess.......that's my boy!
My parents never had 'the big talk' with me, and it didn't make me want to go out and be 'adventurous'. I learnt about SE in secondary school and at that age was mature enough to understand it and take it on board properly. I really do think nine (and 7!!) is way too young for all the facts.
Absolutely! I would think, at 7 and 9, the only thing a child would need to know regarding boys and girls being different is that one has a willy and stands up to go to the toilet, and the other has a va-jay-jay and sits down.
That's it. Why the need for specific parts that are sexual?