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Oh - That's What You Mean

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Bazile | 15:32 Wed 15th May 2013 | Society & Culture
7 Answers
I must admit i had not heard of all but one of these before

What other euphemism can you recall - well known , or not ?


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see a man about a dog
This topical one springs immediately to mind:

I had heard of most of them before, but was unfamiliar with the hiking or the moorings reference....

Would you like a list of 100 euphemisms for sex? Go on, you know you want it! :)
"Horizontal jogging" was another good one.
One of my most collectible euphemisims was uttered by a close friend who usually doesn't have much to say, about a mutual acquaintance "...He's a hop, skip, and jump from success, but to get there he'd have to give up chewing gum."
Didn't see your's, jno... here out west it's "Gotta see a man about a horse"... but that's far superior to neighbors far to the south of us that raise those wooly critters..."Gotta see a man about a ewe"...
incontinent ordnance ..bombing your own troops

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Oh - That's What You Mean

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