Quizzes & Puzzles1 min ago
Stay At Home Mothers Better
132 Answers
how interesting?
http:// www.dai lymail. co.uk/f email/a rticle- 2296567 /Scient ific-pr oof-sta y-home- mothers -benefi t-child ren-So- coaliti on-Budg et-tax- break-w orking- mothers .html
http:// www.dai lymail. co.uk/n ews/art icle-23 81647/S tay-hom e-mothe rs-happ iest-Wo men-don t-retur n-work- suffer- feeling s-bored om-wort hlessne ss.html
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.//you've been criticised for supporting Islam's penchant for dictating a woman's role in life//
you fail to see that islam doesn't only dictate a women s role in life, it also dictates a man. Islam says that men should work and should be the ones to take care, financially, of the family. So Islam isn't only dictating women s roles in life, it also dictates mens. Dont try to make it look like Islam only dictates what women do. It also dictates what men do. Both are equal in that sense as both have their own roles. Yes, if a women lives by herself or needs to work to support a family, than she can do so, yet in Islam due to the close bonds of family, she would more than likely have another male from her family help her, like a brother etc.
Besides this, i think you will find that there are many Muslim women who do work. Most don't need to however as they are already being supported.
you fail to see that islam doesn't only dictate a women s role in life, it also dictates a man. Islam says that men should work and should be the ones to take care, financially, of the family. So Islam isn't only dictating women s roles in life, it also dictates mens. Dont try to make it look like Islam only dictates what women do. It also dictates what men do. Both are equal in that sense as both have their own roles. Yes, if a women lives by herself or needs to work to support a family, than she can do so, yet in Islam due to the close bonds of family, she would more than likely have another male from her family help her, like a brother etc.
Besides this, i think you will find that there are many Muslim women who do work. Most don't need to however as they are already being supported.
Unless a mother has an interesting career I can't imagine why they would WANT to go out to work. its so much more fulfilling bringing up children at home and given the choice of sitting at a supermarket checkout for hours on minimum wage, or getting paid by the government to be a stay at home mum -well that's a no-brainer surely? Instead of subsidising childcare for working mothers on a low wage they should cut out the middle-man and pay the mother to look after thier own children. Happier children, happier homes surely?
Lightbulb, Yes, Islam certainly dictates – but where freedom of choice is concerned, women draw the short straw every time. You’ve posted this, not to discuss it as a social issue, but with the specific intention of demonstrating that Islam holds all the answers. Sadly for you, it’s backfired, because by your own admission, you’ve actually succeeded in confirming that Islam restricts personal liberty and dominates all.
Keyplus, that isn’t true - you have not been called every word possible. And I’ll ask you again - please stop telling people to trust you. You don’t speak truthfully, and I’ve told you many times - I’d rather trust a killer shark.
Keyplus, that isn’t true - you have not been called every word possible. And I’ll ask you again - please stop telling people to trust you. You don’t speak truthfully, and I’ve told you many times - I’d rather trust a killer shark.
Why are threads continuously hijacked by the Racist/ Religious theorists? This is about stay at home mums For Funks Sake not bloody Islam. Some of us could not care a less about religion and so stay away from debates under that section -yet still it seeps out into other categories. I'm waiting to see what you lot can do in the food and drink section, can I possibly post a recipe that may be slightly racist or perhaps an insult to Islam ? How about a gammon quiche followed by Black forest gateau -who will that piss off?
lazyGun I'm not trying to dictate how a particular thread goes, I'm venting at the fact the last five or six threads I've been following seem to degenerate into a few contributors bashing each other over the head with their holy book of preference, or finding racial comments to disect in the most obtuse and bizarre stories.
I think what seems to be missing in the articles is any sense of balance. Children of happy parents tend to be happy themselves. If a woman is forced or coerced into staying at home because she'd feel guilty not to then that's not right for her or her child. Equally it's unfair and wrong to expect a woman to go back to work if she would prefer to remain with her child. Both of my parents worked, although my mother was home for long periods and then away for long periods, so it was an unusual method of working, but it woorked for us as a family because both of my parents were happy people working hard to improve their family's lives. No-one should be forced into either scenario or their family life will suffer.
//Lightbulb, Yes, Islam certainly dictates – but where freedom of choice is concerned, women draw the short straw every time. You’ve posted this, not to discuss it as a social issue, but with the specific intention of demonstrating that Islam holds all the answers. Sadly for you, it’s backfired, because by your own admission, you’ve actually succeeded in confirming that Islam restricts personal liberty and dominates all. //
No Naomi, i have posted it to discuss it as BOTH a social issue and a religious issue. It just so happens that you have seen me mention islam and you have, as usual, resumed your continuous criticisms of islam, as, lets face it, that is all you want to do. Even if i had not mentioned islam, i am 99% certain you would have brought it up, or another religion as, for an atheist, you seem a bit too interested in religion.
Also yes, Islam does dictate, however through dictating what people should do, it actually gives more freedom as well as more, overall positive things. Now this is going of topic, but i feel i should mention some of these things. Firstly, islam says that alcohol and drugs are forbidden. Now, to a druggee or someone who drinks, they may see this as "restricting freedom". However it had been proven and it is obvious that alcohol and drugs are bad for health and for society. Trust me, you get rid of alcohol and drugs, you get rid of at least half of societys problems.
Islam forbids pork. For people who eat pork this may be seen as restricting freedom, yet science has proven that pork can be unhealthy
http:// article s.merco la.com/ sites/a rticles /archiv e/2012/ 03/01/p ork-con sumptio n-prohi bitions .aspx
http:// www.psy chology today.c om/blog /perfec t-healt h-diet/ 201202/ is-pork -still- dangero us
Islam also forbids sex outside of marriage. Many people may see this as restricting freedom and dictating life, but as obvious, sex outside of marriage can have lots of negative effects as well, such as marriages breaking, disease etc.
So islam and other religions to dictate things, yet this is not a bad thing, yes, it is only bad for those people who believe they are above religious people as they believe that there is no god, so therefore no restrictions. But through having no restriction, a lot of people are suffering and society is suffering and you may not admit this, but there are people who do admit that due to the supposed "freedom", people are in fact less free and are suffering as a result.
No Naomi, i have posted it to discuss it as BOTH a social issue and a religious issue. It just so happens that you have seen me mention islam and you have, as usual, resumed your continuous criticisms of islam, as, lets face it, that is all you want to do. Even if i had not mentioned islam, i am 99% certain you would have brought it up, or another religion as, for an atheist, you seem a bit too interested in religion.
Also yes, Islam does dictate, however through dictating what people should do, it actually gives more freedom as well as more, overall positive things. Now this is going of topic, but i feel i should mention some of these things. Firstly, islam says that alcohol and drugs are forbidden. Now, to a druggee or someone who drinks, they may see this as "restricting freedom". However it had been proven and it is obvious that alcohol and drugs are bad for health and for society. Trust me, you get rid of alcohol and drugs, you get rid of at least half of societys problems.
Islam forbids pork. For people who eat pork this may be seen as restricting freedom, yet science has proven that pork can be unhealthy
Islam also forbids sex outside of marriage. Many people may see this as restricting freedom and dictating life, but as obvious, sex outside of marriage can have lots of negative effects as well, such as marriages breaking, disease etc.
So islam and other religions to dictate things, yet this is not a bad thing, yes, it is only bad for those people who believe they are above religious people as they believe that there is no god, so therefore no restrictions. But through having no restriction, a lot of people are suffering and society is suffering and you may not admit this, but there are people who do admit that due to the supposed "freedom", people are in fact less free and are suffering as a result.
yes sharingan its posted in 'Society and Culture' as is 'Hobbies and Interests' . If the theme of the OP had had a Theological angle to it I would not be complaining. How the question 'are stay at home mothers better' can degenerate into a debate on the treatment of Woman in the Islamic world beats me. There must be no good juicy fights over at R&S at the moment.
So Lightbulb themself admits that they posted this story from both a societal and religious viewpoint, and invites comments that discuss either or both elements that inform this. So if someone wants to discuss the religious implications, it can hardly be regarded as hijacking of the thread, can it?
The subtext of the article is that stay at home mom good, working mom bad, and that cultural movements like feminism and ideological and economic issues impel the government to force women to work when they should be at home.
I would disagree. If a woman wishes to stay at home and raise her child, that decision should be hers and hers alone, subject to being able to afford that particular decision; Taxpayers should not be expected to foot the bill for an individuals choice. I have often heard people claim that feminism decries women staying at home looking after their kids, but I have never actually seen a feminist say it. And if offering tax breaks allows a mother to continue working, this reduces the burden to the state - a good thing, in my opinion.
Lightbulbs idea that somehow the dictatorial elements of Islam are a good thing and offer an increase in personal liberty is absurd.
We live in a democracy, which cherishes the notion of individual liberty and freedom of choice. We should not be expected to meekly accept boundaries to our freedoms that religions wish to impose, through the interpretation of alleged holy texts, written for nomads and agrarian societies that had no concept of the modern day world.
Even the examples given border on the absurd. Science has "proven" that pork is unhealthy so Islam bans it? Not really. Science can be used to "prove" many things. Science has proven the chicken eggs can carry salmonella. Does Islam ban chicken eggs? Er no.
Islam bans drugs and alcohol, and the only people that can possibly have an objection to this are addicts? Piffle. Informed choice and level of consumption dictate the harms - and life comes down to risks versus benefits. Trust you, Lightbulb? I trust no ones claims. I want evidence, not your word.
And trying to ban sex outside of marriage? Again its just facile nonsense. Marriage is a social construct, subject to cultural interpretation.Religion should not be in the business of dictating who we have sex with, or who we choose to get married to.
And it should not be dictating to fully half of society that it is their duty to stay at home and raise the kids; that it is their duty to cover up lest they "lnflame the lust" of those poor defenceless males; that it is their role to be subservient to man...
The thought of a theocracy should be enough to cause the hackles of any free-thinking individual to rise.
The subtext of the article is that stay at home mom good, working mom bad, and that cultural movements like feminism and ideological and economic issues impel the government to force women to work when they should be at home.
I would disagree. If a woman wishes to stay at home and raise her child, that decision should be hers and hers alone, subject to being able to afford that particular decision; Taxpayers should not be expected to foot the bill for an individuals choice. I have often heard people claim that feminism decries women staying at home looking after their kids, but I have never actually seen a feminist say it. And if offering tax breaks allows a mother to continue working, this reduces the burden to the state - a good thing, in my opinion.
Lightbulbs idea that somehow the dictatorial elements of Islam are a good thing and offer an increase in personal liberty is absurd.
We live in a democracy, which cherishes the notion of individual liberty and freedom of choice. We should not be expected to meekly accept boundaries to our freedoms that religions wish to impose, through the interpretation of alleged holy texts, written for nomads and agrarian societies that had no concept of the modern day world.
Even the examples given border on the absurd. Science has "proven" that pork is unhealthy so Islam bans it? Not really. Science can be used to "prove" many things. Science has proven the chicken eggs can carry salmonella. Does Islam ban chicken eggs? Er no.
Islam bans drugs and alcohol, and the only people that can possibly have an objection to this are addicts? Piffle. Informed choice and level of consumption dictate the harms - and life comes down to risks versus benefits. Trust you, Lightbulb? I trust no ones claims. I want evidence, not your word.
And trying to ban sex outside of marriage? Again its just facile nonsense. Marriage is a social construct, subject to cultural interpretation.Religion should not be in the business of dictating who we have sex with, or who we choose to get married to.
And it should not be dictating to fully half of society that it is their duty to stay at home and raise the kids; that it is their duty to cover up lest they "lnflame the lust" of those poor defenceless males; that it is their role to be subservient to man...
The thought of a theocracy should be enough to cause the hackles of any free-thinking individual to rise.
My mother was a stay at home mum because my father wouldn't let her work, having somewhat Victorian attitudes about being the provider for the family - but I am sure she would have been more fulfilled if she'd had even a part time job, she loved the buzz of office life and she wasn't a natural home-maker (that's where I don't get it from, either). She got a job in later life and worked until she was 76.