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If You Had A Choice...

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sevenOP | 19:16 Thu 29th Jan 2015 | Society & Culture
89 Answers
...would you be born male or female ?


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Female. I like being a girl.
half an half - what's that?

Oh, a hermaphrodite......
being born doesn't matter so much, but people should get the choice at puberty.
One of Chris' cats
Or whenever really. Some people know earlier than puberty, some don't wish to change till later.
In this society ? Well it'd be nice to try a change next time then.
I'm probably going to come back as an Ebola virus anyway, and I don't know that they have gender.
jno, they mutate quickly, reported on R4 this morning that this has happened in Guinea.
I like being female. I think we should be able to opt out of having periods though. I don't want to have children and bleeding like I am bleeding to death is no fun either.
I like being female. I think we should be able to opt out of having periods though.
I just gagged on my weetabix
you can opt out wolf, its called sterilisation or hysterectomy. I agree though, the bleeding is so much no fun.
Am happy being female. Yes, periods are a pain but the ability to conceive and carry a child and the absolute joy of giving birth to another human being (yes, one does feel pain) is indescribable.
Male - they say 'it's a man's worlds' and sometimes I think it is - they have the life of reilly
And who was he?
It's the song and not the singer I was highlighting, not every woman can conceive and many do, but don't go full term to enjoy giving birth to another human... men don't have those worries
Nor the joy and sense of achievement
I never wanted to have kids. I wanted a puppy. I have two sadistic felines instead.
Not every woman has it either

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