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Why Are People Such Terrible Spellers Nowadays ?

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Samuraisan | 20:38 Thu 04th Jun 2015 | Society & Culture
72 Answers
Do they not read books ? My children are 28+ and would I would be ashamed if their spelling was as bad as I read on some posts.


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Typo, again, not hips ( although it could be ! ) rather, husband !
AB does that VHG not the poster
AB does that automatically. OH is dyslexic....wasn't heard of when he was at school in the 50/60s....he was just regarded as being a bit thick, bless him. Did you ever see this post? I thought you might be able to help.
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Oh yes, Tuvok, don't start me on that subject. :)
Vulcan -what is 'correct? The English language has a variety of different spellings for the same work depending where you live -North America for example rarely uses the 'ou' as 'or' is color, parlor, valor, these are correct if you have learnt English in the USA . When reading a post on a forum you have no idea where the Poster is from or if they have learning difficulties or Dyslexia.
Bathsheba -thanks for that link I've added a comment -cheers!
You're welcome Retro ;-)

x x

Yeh, whatever!
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I am not talking necessarily about AB, but in business I feel that spelling correctly is very important and when I receive emails or letters that are incorrectly spelt ,it lowers my respect and faith in that company.
It's a while ago, Retrochic, but they were very definitely aged c.13!
I have to admit that we often get C.V's sent to us and any with bad spelling or grammar go in the 'bin' -mainly because if the person can't be bothered to check their spelling and Grammar on such an important document then they are not potential employees.
^^^^ Samurasian that makes me chuckle. A couple of days ago I received a glossy, 2-page spread for a new take-away Italian outlet nearby. I am about to return it, having marked 11 serious grammatical and spelling errors on it (many repeated several times). My comment will be on the lines that when I can trust them to write their own language correctly, I will trust them to provide decent food. It won't be the first time.
Spelling mistakes don't bother me as long as I can comprehend what a poster is asking for help with.

I rarely comment unless it is in a jokey fashion with someone I know well.
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That's what I meant Retro, I meant no disrespect to anyone who is Dyslexic.
Retro - isn't that rather contradictory? At 22.02 you said it didn't matter, either it does or it doesn't (especially if the work doesn't involve a lot of writing).
^^^ Should explain that the owners are British, not Italian!
Lazy speech irritates me more....using v instead of th.....drives me's rampant these days.
innit bathy !! lol
I came across some things I had copied off something on line - maybe freecycle or similar.
4 piece sweet. From DFS bought a year ago. I am giving this away because Im moving abroad cant be bovard with the hassel of selling it.

car audio stuff lieing around. I have cash waiting.

Hello I'm wantting to no if I am aload to buy this itam off u do to a miss understanding I've been given a strike but I'd like to very much buy this itam thank you.

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