Abers seem to hold a vast spectrum if views on what is real. Some are happy to entertain the idea of angels, aliens and ghosts being real, whilst others only accept a reality that can be measured or counted. Where do you fit on a scale of 0(believing anything and everything) to 10 (believe nothing and rely only on what can be proven beyond reasonable doubt)?
However, in the 1936 movie "Charlie Chan at the Circus," Charlie Chan says, "Mind, like parachute, only function when open," slightly less than an hour into the movie. Most web sites credit Sir Thomas Robert Dewar, who died in 1930, but his authorship has been questioned. At least one website attributes it to the Dalai Lama.
I suppose I have to believe in life after death though as I get quite a shock looking in the mirror first thing in the morning. Proof that there is life after death!! OMG...scary.
jomifl; I can do a good (sez I) impersonation of Sidney Toller - an American of Scottish descent - trying to do an impersonation of a Chinaman, a Chinaman the likes of which you have never seen.
The pace of these movies is reassuringly slow, and make ideal watching with a large whiskey when all else slumbers.
Another of my many realities!
It really depends on what you call "beyond reasonable doubt" because there are so many things that were not known or proven beyond reasonable doubt until very near past but did they exist before that?
Keyplus, my understanding of the meaning of beyond reasonable doubt would be a something that could be proven by measurement or counting or left a physical trace of its presence. This is for you to answer if you feel you can, use your own yardstick.
You have to think outside the box when it come to 'ghosts and angels' . It is quite possible they are time travelers from the future -the ghosts are see through bcause they had not quite got it right yet lol!
Aliens and angels are a long-shot and shouldn't be lumped together anyway. I certainly believe in para-normal activity because I've experienced it. I suppose that on your (rather ill-defined, if you don't mind me saying, sorry)
I'd come in around a 3-ish. As Khandro says.
jourdain you don't need to apologise for my ill defined...I'd like to know why you don't think angels and aliens should be lumped together, after all they both begin with the letter A.
Quite right jomifl! Put it like this, alien life forms are very likely to be proved scientifically - even if in bacterial form. Difficult to 'prove' angels. :)
jourdain, at present aliens, whether bug eyed monsters or bacteria are on the unproven side of the spectrum, so in my classification they are lumped under unproven. Might be proven is still unproven, just as almost pregnant is really... not quite pregnant.
Theland, despite some contributors posts this thread is not about extraterrestrial life. Only you can devise your score because only you (and your god) know what you believe without any corroborative evidence.
I tend to be at the 10 end of the spectrum, but occasionally if I think about things very hard, I can't believe we're all here and real. Our complex bodies and brains are incredible really. I know they come from millions of years of evolution, but it's still quite amazing and so I do wonder if this is real, just occasionally.