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More Cultrual Enrichment From Islam. Are You Awake Yet ?

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dieseldick | 10:41 Tue 22nd Mar 2016 | Society & Culture
63 Answers…/Two-explosions-heard-Brussels

when are the fools going to wake up and vote to get us out of europe.


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I took that as read, db.
DD certainly isn't advancing the cause of the 'brexitistis', they don't seem to be the most rational of people if DD is typical.
DD....... It would be helpful to everybody, including you, if you refrained from addressing anybody that disagrees with as ignorant or idiots. Play the ball, not the man ( or woman )

Naomi...what DD has said, is drivel,

19:37 Fri 25th Mar 2016 will notice that I called his argument drivel, not DD (him/her) drivel !

Playing the ball, not the man/woman !
Is it any less rude?
Yes I believe it is...challenge the opinion, not opinion not that obvious ?
Then you'd be wrong, again.
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Mikey is right, attack what someone is saying, not the poster.
Mikey claims he listens to the Today programme every morning.
One can only presume they dont get R4 in Cornwall, otherwise he would have heard a succession of security experts, in the last few days, say we would be safer out of the EU.
The only one that denied this was being paid by the EU and even he said, 'We haven't been doing a very good job up till now but this attack(Belgium) has been a 'wake-up call' and from now on bleh, bleh, bleh'.
Can you believe the idiocy? It would be funny, if it weren't such a serious subject.
If he said "DD always talks drivel"- that would be personal.
Stop talking drivel, pixie.
No chance:-)
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mikey, why do you want them here?
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i stand by what i say and it is my opinion that anyone who who see,s open door policy on immigration ( especially from islamic counties ) is either a complete fool , soft in the head or just plain downright ignorant, or infact anti british .

its not a personal attack on anyone.
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jihadis getting in through open borders. stopping open borders will help keep more control .

YES or NO ?

if you say yes them your aguments in this topic are invalid !
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its very quiet now

look here -
The UK never signed up to the Schengen Agreement so we don't officially have open borders, so what are you talking about?

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