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'gender Choice' Being Tought To Children.

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Khandro | 07:23 Wed 03rd Aug 2016 | Society & Culture
72 Answers
Do you agree with Pope Francis, either for his reasons or your own?


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No I don't agree with. Most people are happy with their genders and teaching our young that some people aren't will not make them suddenly want to change theirs.

The same with homosexuality. Educating people will not encourage them to be gay.
I think that someone who wears a dress to work, talks to the sky and lives in a palace surrounded by men who are at his beck and call for any whim is the ideal person to comment on anything like this.
"Educating people will not encourage them to be gay."
what a ridiculous statement, ummmm !
Ivor - It's not when you read threads on the subject. In my mind it's ridiculous but people do think it. They talk like education is encouragement.
One can not choose a gender, one is a gender.

One can educate folk that stealing is wrong and it may encourge folk not to steal. Or one can educate folk that stealing is a life choice, which might encourage them to try it.

I think sympathy is needed for those who do not mentally feel they are the gender they actually are, but I do not think encouraging children to act in a manner opposed to their gender is a sensible idea. Let folk decide how they wish to live when they are old enough to bear responsibility for those decisions.
I don't think such things need encouragement.

People who feel they were born the wrong gender usually know from a very young age. Education may help some people with the emotional turmoil they're feeling.
Old Geezer - and what about the people who change their genders surgically?
No one can do that. Some mimic the gender they are not in an attempt to fool everyone and live as if they are the gender they aren't.
What do you mean no one can do that? People have sex changes.
No they don't. They have cosmetic surgery so they can pretend to have had a sex change. And it allows those who wish to push newspeak to claim otherwise. I think it is high risk activity if they aren't up-front about what they have done. Imagine taking a lover and them finding out afterwards that they have been fooled into performing homosexual acts. And the range of natural reactions that may result.
Lol...but they do have a sex change. It's not pretend.
OG, " Imagine taking a lover and them finding out afterwards that they have been fooled into performing homosexual acts. And the range of natural reactions that may result."

Well I found out in the process of! when I found out, it made no difference and I carried on, she was still the same person I thought she was before I started.
Good on you, Ratter.
I like not to pretend to but I'm not the one insisting on doing so.

Bully for you Ratter. For you this sort of thing isn't a problem. However not everyone is the same.
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OG, I really dont think these transgenders have to pretend, they just behave in a way that is totally natural to them, and in most cases they have these operations to "change sex" for themselves not for others, wouldn't you rather have a penis than a vagina and breasts knowing that you are a man?
“STAN: I want to be a woman. From now on, I want you all to call me 'Loretta'.
REG: What?!
LORETTA: It's my right as a man.
JUDITH: Well, why do you want to be Loretta, Stan?
LORETTA: I want to have babies.
REG: You want to have babies?!
LORETTA: It's every man's right to have babies if he wants them.
REG: But... you can't have babies.
LORETTA: Don't you oppress me.
REG: I'm not oppressing you, Stan. You haven't got a womb! Where's the foetus going to gestate?! You going to keep it in a box?!”
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It is totally natural to them because there mind/brain is not in sync with the gender they really are. None denies that there is a mismatch; nor that some have surgery for their own reasons. Others have no need for them to pretend to be the opposite gender to what they are.

I don't see what your question is looking for, but had I been born with a vagina I would have coped with life as a woman. As I was born with a penis I did so as a man.

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