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redvanman | 11:37 Sat 24th Dec 2016 | Society & Culture
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The world needs to wake up Islam IS and Muslams thy don't want to intergrate we have ghettoes springing up in the town were I live and the town center ENGLISH seams the second Language. what are the goverment doing about it nothing till it is to late


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15:13 Mon 26th Dec 2016
Sorry to add some more logic and rationale to this discussion, but :::::

I can quite believe that here are areas like those mentioned by BOO in Britain, but if so many Muslims ARE concentrated ind a few areas like that, then it must follow that there are plenty of places in Britain where Muslims are seldom, if ever seen !

Go to the West Country, or Wales, or the South Coast, and see how many brown faces there are. I have very little experience of Scotland, but I would presume that the same could be said there.
//Go to the West Country, or Wales, or the South Coast, and see how many brown faces there are.//

how well do you know Canton in Cardiff, Mikey?
Well yes mikey, but you asked where these ghettos are, I and TWR have named some for you.
mikey ^^^^^ I totally agree
BUT, if in the areas where there once was no Muslims, then the growth (ghettos) call them what you will, could surely be described as.....Islamisation.
It all depends upon your starting point.
Sqad....well, I hope you will be still here in 2021 !

The present majority religion in Britain is Christianity ( only just ) but that hasn't stopped anyone else from believing in any other religion, or none in my case. I still cannot foresee a situation where over 50% of the British population say that they are Muslim.

See my post at 13:47.
Mush....I know Canton reasonably well and I can assure you that it isn't a no-go area for me, and it certainly isn't a ghetto.

We have a smaller, but growing Muslim part of Swansea, and during the day and evenings, it is full of people like me, enjoying the excellent food to be bought there.
Thanks Sqad !
Mikey, I used to deliver to the Valley's around to M.H then across the bridge to Bristol, you don't know the half, take a trip up to the mentioned Towns / City's then come back on here & give your views, It will surprise you.
TWR...all you are doing is confirming my point....that most Muslims are confined to a few areas.

We are still no nearer to "Islamification of the West" in Britain as a whole.

Do the arithmetic !
I think my eyes indicates the arithmetic Mikey, we have named a few that's in our area, & I forgot to mention Preston.
TWR....thanks for mentioning Preston, as it has given me something to get my teeth into ?

Guess what the vast majority of the population of Preston was in 2011 ?

See here for answer ::::
Things have changed since then Mikey. I have not checked the figures of late, but there will be a vast increase, we have a place in Blackburn called the mall, going in there on Sat is like walking in the center of Bradford.
Things can't have changed so much in 5 years TWR, that Islam has now taken over as the majority religion from Christianity, which was 61% 5 years ago. Islam was only 11.2% in 2011. That is what I meant by arithmetic.

Preston has none of the characteristics of a ghetto. By the way, here is the dictionary definition of the word ghetto ::::
I'm sure the Ghetto we now Know & call is a areas of Muslims, I will leave this subject now Mikey otherwise you know what will happen!!!!!
You brought up Preston as an example of a ghetto in Britain TWR, but perhaps we ought to stop before it all goes pear-shaped.
I know someone who, every time he visits his friends in France, is asked whether he now speaks French - he replies in his own language asking whether they have learned it and the conversation then continues in English. A French Canadian I know swore he would never again visit France or the effing French after his first visit when they looked down their noses at him and pretended not to understand his particular French - he speaks English with a very pronounced French accent. Luxembourg has three official languages, French being one of them. A friend living there phoned a government office and asked in English for some advice - the person at the other end said that as a resident of Luxembourg he should learn French and hung up. The French and other native French speakers are notorious for their linguistic snobbery and are an example of a particular type of intolerance which, fortunately, is uncommon. The ghettos Karl Marx became familiar with are at the root of what is reflected in certain areas of modern urban Britain and the class tensions that survive to this day. For those who don't know, Karl Marx was born in 1818.
Trevor Phillips, former head of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, says this:

Mikey is in denial.

Nothing unusual there Naomi.
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