Are You Racially Motivated? in The AnswerBank: Society & Culture
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Are You Racially Motivated?

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naomi24 | 08:32 Thu 05th Jan 2017 | Society & Culture
25 Answers
“I’ve only ever been sexually assaulted by white males,” was Lily Allen’s reply to the English Defence League’s leader about the criminal intentions of migrants. Her anecdote is as meaningless as the EDL’s determination to find more criminality among non-whites than the rest of the population. Both sides are virtue-signalling like crazy - a habit increasingly ingrained in people who would never for a moment consider themselves to be racially motivated.

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She wants to have a word with the White Females In.

I wonder how she would answer that.

This whole argument is pointless because (in response to TWR) she could turn round and say 'well speak to females in Devon, Cornwall, Kent' etc etc

Sexual assaults are terrible crimes carried out by all colours and religions, anybody trying to score points on these crimes should be ashamed of themselves!
i dont think you have much difficulty in finding the stats for convicts in prison


10% of a minority who make up 2.5 % of the population

but the question is - why are they there. Yeah yeah I know they have been convicted but so have I and I am not in prison ,,,,,

the body of Nigh's text is completely unrelated to the qustion she asks
Are you racially motivated ? answer - no
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Before the thread goes any further it isn’t about sexual assault. The point is that many people aren’t genuinely objective. They’re quick to denigrate or defend particular sections of society without realising that their loyalty actually amounts to racism.

PeterPedant, //the body of Nigh's text is completely unrelated to the qustion she asks //

No it isn't.
The point is that many people aren’t genuinely objective.

I've made this point many times ... you're wasting your time, naomi.
Naomi - in response to your question - Are You Racially Motivated - are you seriously expecting anyone to say Yes?
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andy-hughes, I would like to think that readers will consider the question honestly.
No I am not
Naomi - //andy-hughes, I would like to think that readers will consider the question honestly. //

So would I - but I seriously doubt that anyone who answers it is going to say 'Yes' - don't you?
// PeterPedant, //the body of Nigh's text is completely unrelated to the qustion she asks // No it isn't.

oh tha is me told then

well - my answer to Am I racially motivated ? is ... no

and in the body of the text we find " meaningless as the EDL’s determination to find more criminality among non-whites than the rest of the population. Both sides are virtue-signalling like crazy " which I have to say is competely irrelevant to my answer .... ho hum just a view
I must be since I notice the quota system that's appeared in Midsomer Murders.
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andy-hughes/peter pedant, I’m not getting into arguments with either of you. You’ve answered the question. Thank you.

Islay, are you sure? I can’t recall you criticising immigrants or black people or foreigners whatever the circumstances. The fundamental issue here is that racism works more than one way but it often goes unrecognised.
Naomi - //andy-hughes/peter pedant, I’m not getting into arguments with either of you. You’ve answered the question. Thank you. //

I am not interested in getting into an argument - I have answered your question, you have failed to answer mine.
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andy-hughes, ok.

//I seriously doubt that anyone who answers it is going to say 'Yes' - don't you? //

I don't know.
Naomi - Obviously you don't know, otherwise there would be no point in asking the question would there?

I simply asked for your opinion on what you think may be the response.
Some people are proud of being racist and would happily say yes to the question. Thankfully, I don't see them on AB too often.
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andy-hughes, //Obviously you don't know, otherwise there would be no point in asking the question would there? //

Why ask then?
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Cloverjo, the point being made is that some people don't recognise themselves as racist, predominantly those who automatically defend or denigrate one section of the community in favour of another.
Naomi - //andy-hughes, //Obviously you don't know, otherwise there would be no point in asking the question would there? //

Why ask then? //

I asked you what you think - accepting that you don't know.

I think you are being deliberately evasive for your own reasons - I am sure you understand what I am saying, but if you want to verbally fence over it, let's not bother.

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