The reporting has, on too many occasions, been toe-curling, intrusive and repetitive.
Let the London media-types quietly fold up their tents and steal away back down south. We have sufficient news reporters and outlets up here to keep us appraised of any new developments.
So many people feel that the police should be giving a step by step update on everything that has happened and how the investigation is doing.
We should be told information on a 'need' to know basis and not for any other reason.
So - yes, they should leave the families of those killed and injured in peace and also leave the police and/or military to do their job unhindered my the media.
Everyone has their own way of dealing with bereavement but I am not all together comfortable with the way Ms Campbell is choosing to cope.
Perhaps I am wrong for even expressing that but it's the truth.
If it wasn't for the media you wouldn't have a clue what's going on. Loved the Muslim elder in Didsbury who told the Press what to report. No, pal. That's not how it works in a free society.
the media will back off if they sense a backlash; riding a moral high horse is always difficult. My feeling at the time was that they got into hysterics over the Westminster Bridge attack in London; now I suppose they think they have to spend more time on what is clearly a far more tragic incident. If enough of the people affected tell them to go away, they will.
Most people, faced with a terrible loss, want people to know - through the media - that their loved-one will be missed. Don't blame the media for channeling their wishes.
jno, is it really " clearly a far more tragic incident". Any loss of life, at whatever age, at the hands of terrorist(s) is tragic imo. I might agree that in terms of ages of most of the victims this particular atrocity will linger longer in the minds of all decent people.
that was my feeling, choux: more people killed, children included, and they were deliberately targeted, unlike a crazed driver charging into pedestrians, which I think makes it more shocking and more tragic. I appreciate others may disagree.