So difficult isn't it, Maydup.......I am passionate about voting and luckily I have a Green to vote for this time.......I'd be in a two and six otherwise....
Sad state of affairs when there is nobody worth your vote..... :-(
Not me. At a local election a few years ago I was disappointed by the candidates available so spoiled my ballot paper. I know some people would say that it's a waste of time doing that - no one takes any notice of spoilt papers. But at least they are counted and the right to vote has been exercised.
I would never not go to the ballot station unless I was physically incapable or unconscious.
Just cant be bothered to walk to the polling station and not much parking so I will drive round and if there is nowhere to park I will drive home again. Might get a Chinese on the way back.
I agree that if you don't vote you have no cause to complain about the result. As I have very limited mobility I would have found it difficult to get to the polling station and didn't feel the exercise of my franchise was worth the cost of a taxi. Fortunately I got a postal vote so could vote from the comfort of my armchair.
You can think about it in depth if you choose to exercise your right not to vote, plus you haven't jumped through the ludicrous loop of turning up not to that dome others want to compel you to do. You do, of course, have every right to complain if the individual unfit candidate chosen by others proves as awful as you suspected they might, and you hold no blame for electing them; unlike some others.
I shall be helping my choice to come third today. This is no marginal constituency.
I'm not a strong complainer and am resigned to the fact that I will live with a Conservative government again, but since I won't have voted them in, I will retain my right to complain about them occasionally!
I do postal too, and this year have voted strategically to block Nicola dear's plans..she has to be stopped whatever the cost ! I am of the "if you don't vote , you have no voice " school of thought. People died so that we may exercise our right to elect a parliament, it is disrespectful to their memory not to !
I will vote, I have voted at every election I have been eligable for.
There are many millions of people in the world who do not have the right to vote in democratic elections. The right to vote is a privaledge that should not be abused by refusing to excersise it .
Can I remind people that there is the option of a proxy vote as well as postal voting for those that have a problem with voting in person.
I don't have a problem getting to the polling station Eddie, my problem is a fundemental disagreement with the manafesto of each of the main parties. I refuse to support any of them this time, and see no point in simply voting for the local man or woman when the issues are national and international.
In the general election I am in a rock solid Tory seat. We have had the same MP for over 25 years. However I have written to him with problems on a few occasions and have always had a helpful reply . So he will get my vote even though I consider the party leader Mrs May a liability!
Maydup, Is there not one of the smaller parties who you could support?
I for example have on several occasions voted for the 'Green' party,or an independant even though I know they don't have a hope of getting in.
Had there been a 'Monster Raving Loony' candidate in my area there are times they would have had my vote!
Voting for an individual is futile. No one politician alone wields influence over the government (Nigel Farage being the exception) – and no one political party is ever going to suit all our individual requirements – we cannot and should not expect perfection. Therefore we need to decide, on balance, which we think will best represent the country. As has been said, if we do nothing to elect a party that most represents our political opinions, we really have no room to complain.