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What Should Be Done With Northern Ireland ? Any Ideas ?

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modeller | 20:20 Wed 21st Jun 2017 | Society & Culture
41 Answers
I was watching a debate coming from the Northern Ireland Assembly where most speakers were saying NI should remain a part of the UK. and , that was the general opinion of the rest of the UK. ! It is certainly not mine nor that of most people I have spoken to. In fact the reverse was the case. As one person put it, it should be floated off into the Atlantic and sunk.


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I don’t think its up to me to have a view about....I think its up to the people of NI.
Why? What's wrong with NI, apart from the DUP and its mad ideas and beliefs?
hand it back to Ireland. Something needs to be done about the border if you're going to have the UK on one side and the EU on the other.
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woofgang It has a lot to do with you its your taxes that keeps it in existence. !
Has anyone costed the floating idea?

Who would take the rap for the mass murder?
^ Even more of your taxes now, I heard that the DUP are demanding more money for NI in return for getting Mrs May out of the hole she had dug for herself. I think a figure of £billion was mentioned !
I might have misheard but it's in the £multi millions !
I have friends who live in Northern Ireland whose taxes help to keep British troops in the Falkland Islands, do you want those Islands sunk in the Atlantic as well?
Why should anything be done with NI ? It's getting along better than for some time. In fact if one wants a united Ireland maybe offer the south membership of the UK too. We can be one big happy family.
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jno I don't think they want it ! And the likes of the DUP wont let go anyway . That's the problem going back to the 1920s and earlier. Hundreds of people have died during the so called Troubles.
Probably why May's having difficulty reaching an agreement, Eddie.
Nothing needs to be done about the border aside from keeping an eye on it, ensuring it's working as well after as before Brexit.
Most of my tax goes on things I don’t want and/or don’t agree with. I bet most of us could say the same.
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Vulcan NI is supported by £9 billion NET from other UK taxpayers. which is about £6,000 per head . I
Awwww bless you being all upset modeller- unified Ireland it is then ;-)
The problem of Northern Ireland is the one 'Brexit' problem that got little publicity here on the mainland. It is going to mean that for the first time in history the UK will have a land border with the EU.
What's more it will be a totally free and unguarded border.
How long will it take the likes of the Calais migrants to realise that unrestricted access throughout the EU means that they only need to get to Ireland and they can walk over the border into the UK! A lot easier than trying to get across the Channel ! Once they have got into the EU and get registered they have the right to legally travel to any part of the EU , that includes the Irish republic with its open border to the UK ! The French will probably pay their tickets to Ireland as a way of getting rid of them!
The DUP have insisted that a fully free border between Ireland / NI is the first demand if they are going to work with the Tories.
Unite Ireland, unite Korea, unite Germany, oh, it already is.
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Eddie, //How long will it take the likes of the Calais migrants to realise that unrestricted access throughout the EU means that they only need to get to Ireland and they can walk over the border into the UK! A lot easier than trying to get across the Channel ! Once they have got into the EU and get registered they have the right to legally travel to any part of the EU ,

I'm not sure that getting to Ireland from Calais is easier than getting across the Channel to England from Calais, but you say once they’re registered they have a right to legally travel to any part of the EU. It’s my understanding that only EU nationals have that right, and registration doesn’t automatically confer nationality. If it did surely all the Calais migrants would simply register and what you say will happen would be happening now.
"How long will it take the likes of the Calais migrants to realise that unrestricted access throughout the EU means that they only need to get to Ireland and they can walk over the border into the UK!"

If they haven't already worked that out prior to Brexit there must be no hope of them considering it a reasonable option. The issue isn't really an EU one that they should get involved, it is an agreement between Eire (who just happens to be an EU member) and the UK (where the hope is we 'soon' won't be).
They go to Calais at the moment because the UK / EU border is actually inside the EU at Calais. The new French president Macon is VERY pro EU and does not want the UK to leave.
He has already been quoted as saying that the arrangement under which the UK / EU border is on French soil ''will need to be reconsidered'' if we go ahead with leaving the EU.
It will return to Dover where it was before we joined the EU.
That is why once we are out of the EU the easy option for a migrant will then be to travel to Ireland where there will be an unguarded land crossing to the UK .

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