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What Way Do You See The World In 20 Years From Now ?

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pumpjack | 09:29 Sun 26th Aug 2018 | Society & Culture
49 Answers
what is your very real and honest personal opinion / perception of the world 2 decades from now ?

personally i am worried. as i said in an earlier post i am really concerned for my childrens futures.

1. mass uncontrolled immigration ......... just for starters


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" ael you will need more than £20 a pint of guiness is getting near to £10 now "

" ael - ALE

" are you on it now jordy ? lol
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Are your ex-wife and stepsons still in UK, pumpjack?

Or is it a 'different' sort of immigrant to which you are objecting?
/// no foreigners to do the work? ///

How did we ever manage when this country was more industrious?
Take a look at the masses of workers coming out of the Factories, the Mills, the foundries and the coal mines, on those old films. Hardly any foreigners amongst them, I bet.
Question Author " Here and now, I see a greater degree of selfishness / superficiality in people. I see a breakdown in the way we treat one another. The future, more of this? "

actually here and now I don't. I see organisations like freecycle and freegle flourishing, I see foodbanks set up to assist people who need them (yes I know there is an argument that people shouldn't need them) and the people who I meet every day are friendly and helpful.
In 20 years time I will be 91 (if God spares me). Not worried for myself, but have concerns for my children and grandchildren. I've seen many changes, not all for the good, so hope things are better in the future.
Meh, stop being so pessimistic you lot. Like a dark cloud's hanging over y'all!

/// Pumpjack, if immigration never occurred humans would be the most inbred animal ever to exist. ///

There are plenty inbred humans now in this country, partly do to immigration and their religion.
^ there's a very dark cloud over me now i've been told i'll be lucky to get a pint for twenty quid

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jordy, i remember when we threatened to boycott the local pub when a pint went up from 1s 11d to 2 shillings :-)

I think we will have some MAJOR problems in this country.

1) An aging population. In the past people worked till they were 65 and then often died with 5 years of retiring.

Now people regularly live to 70, 80, 90 even 100.

While this is a "good thing", as a percentage of the population we will far have less people working (due to being children or due to old age) than are in work. This means the tax burden on those IN work will be high, to pay for the education of the young, and the care of the old.

This is a problem almost every country has in the "western world".

2) Immigration and integration of those immigrants.

Somebody earlier in this topic said "immigration is a good thing".

Nobody would deny that SOME immigration is a good thing (for every country) but it has now gone too far in the UK.

I live on the edge of Birmingham, which has a high level of immigration. When I go up to central Birmingham (as a "white male") I feel a stranger in my own country.

Because the area I live in is fairly "well off" it attracts many immigrant criminals (many of them Asian) from the poorer parts of Birmingham.

They come here and steal cars and break in to houses. A few months ago we had an gang of Asian men who would follow people home and when they got out of their car attack them with baseball bats and steal their car. Often they picked on lone women or women with children in their cars.

Over the last couple of years the police have released dozens of photos or videos of people stealing cars or burglaring houses in my area and in about 95% of the cases it is Asian men.

Now we do have decent Asian families in the area, and many are doctors, chemists, lawyers etc, but there is a high percentage of Asian people (mostly young men) from the slums of Birmingham who push drugs, mug and rob people, steal cars (often to order), and burgle homes.

So my concern about immigration is the QUALITY and NUMBER of people who have been let in to the country, too many of them are the lowest of the low.

3) My third concern for the future is that we will have less and less need to leave our houses.

We can watch TV and download TV programs and films in seconds, download music in seconds, order our weekly food shopping online to be delivered to our home, order goods from Amazon and other online sites to be be delivered to our home, play computer games and download them to our games console (never need to go out to buy a game DVD or music CD any more).

This stay at home situation could get worse and worse as more people work from home, some people will hardly ever need to leave their house.

This will fuel a growing obesity which is another major problem this country faces.

And of course a growing population.

I think "the West" (if we include Europe and the USA), is in for a bad time in the next 20 years or so with all these problems.

Some may say this is being negative but things like the aging population, immigration, and obesity are "time bombs" waiting to happen.
There's always something to worry about. The world'll muddle on.
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Don’t think much change, it’s not changed overly much the last 20, to me anyway.
I'm fine thanks.

When I was younger everyone was convinced there'd be nuclear war. America v Russia and Cuban crisis. Schoolkids got shown daft films of it. We're still here. Now it's something else. Always has been so, always will be.

We're doomed, doomed, the end of the world is nigh.

/// My family tree (UK) shows a tad of inbreeding about 400 years
ago. ///

I cannot be held responsible for your ancestors sexual carrying ons. :0)

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