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On a break at the mo, I agree Scorpiojo ;) It would be rude to refuse!
And yes, we sat for about 7 minutes had a nice little morning chat, she told me her errands for the day and i said i'd do them all for her if i could, bless her. Butty was lovely, no broon but had some nice butter and thick homemade bread! :P
AuntLydia, she's a lovely lady, the kind that would give me £2 for the shops, makes a lovely butty and if she needed anything from me i'd help her out ;)
Kval i wouldn't expect less from a lady of your calibre, i recon hospitality comes naturally to you and your family
Eddie that sounds nice! If only she'd make me lunch.. ;) I kid i have a packed lunch!
Mally you're probably right, which is why i chose to sit and eat it with her instead of carry on work with one hand and eat with the other, only one other job after this one so i have time for her
Retro, i do outdoor work only, i usually refuse to enter the house unless you need to go through it to get to the back garden, part of my 'policy' to try and stay safe.. Even though she's a lovely "relatively old" lady, I still have no idea of her background or more details than her name and ex profession
And yes, i agree RR, i shall get back to work now!