The Russians say they are going to the moon for the express purpose of proving the US did not make a moon landing in 1969. Do you think the US made the landing in 1969? Or was it a hoax?
I think the Battle of Hastings was a hoax.
Deffo fake news.
I mean, we've only got the words of a few scribes to go by.
And even they were hand-written! Not even in print!
And not a single photograph to corroborate the (non)-event!
(You can't count that bit of embroidery, and anyway that was from Normandy! Home of the hoax!)
Im sure that they didnt go in 1969. I believe they have been since but I dont think they went in 1969. It was too soon after so many disastrous efforts at space flight from the US. It gave them the time to perfect what they needed so that they could make a successful moon landing in 1971.