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Just Whose Side Is This Guy On?

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Jackdaw33 | 10:36 Sun 30th Dec 2018 | News
58 Answers
How disappointing. I would have thought better from him.



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just another VB collaborator doing his best to thwart the democratic will of the majority. Most MPs want to keep their gravy train, they were always going to drag their feet on this.
You’ve not been paying attention then. Liam Fox, for whatever reason, peeled away from the nutjob Brexiters ages ago :-)
He's supporting his party leader, and has a dim view of his fellow politician's sense of honour (may have a point). He is mistaken if/when he claims that if the deal is rejected, that would shatter the bond of trust between the electorate and Parliament, though. He surely must has misspoken; must have meant that if the deal that doesn't get us out as demanded in the referendum, but ties us in to the EU with no say, is accepted, that would shatter the bond of trust between the electorate and Parliament.
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Comforting to know that all we Brexiters are 'nutjobs'.
Unsure why you thought better of him. He's shown signs of abandoning the high moral ground and his duty to the people, in exchange for hoped for personal political advantage, for a while now.
Yes I don’t agree that voting against would shatter the trust blah blah blah. There is a lot of screaming nonsense talked about that. Whether it’s votes on parliament or referendums. When did people ever rejects the streets to protest against being given a vote ;-)
And it isn’t as if there’s a love-in or a lot of trust to start with
He just meant that we're the ones with the "balls" to support what must be done.
I don’t know if you wilfully misrepresent ever I said jack or are genuinely misunderstanding but Liam Fox is a sensible - comparatively - Brexiter and there are many.
If parliament rejects the deal there is a very good chance that Brexit won’t happen. And it isn’t only the “sensible” Brexiters who think that.
JD, 10:20, they just can fathom why everyone isn't a snivelling VB colaborator so we all must be stupid, standard remoaner retort.
Liam Fox was as vehemently pro-Brexit as everybody, and still is. The idea that he fits your definition of "VB" is laughable, frankly.
do read between the lines jim, Fox himself my not be VB but parliament is much more remain than leave thus they are desparate to collectively find a way of ignoring the referendum result.
The idea that anyone fits, in reality, Tora’s idea of is laughable.
Idea of VB!
ich: what would you call people who collaborate with an unlected corrupt foreign power to undermine their own nation? I think VB is as closer comparable term as there is.
Oh have a day off you right wing bully!
All part of the unofficial, but non the less deliberate strategy attempting to delay or postpone Brexit on March 29th. Fox by name fox by nature.

""Members of Parliament opposed to the United Kingdom leaving the European Union are using the pretext of Prime Minister Theresa May’s negotiations with the European Union going badly to suspend the legal date for the nation’s withdrawal from the political power bloc. While political scandal and poor progress on discussions between the UK and EU have ebbed and flowed over 2018, one fact has remained a certain constant — the March 29th, 2019, date established by an act of Parliament that would see the laws and treaties that implement Britain’s membership of the EU repealed.
This means since Parliament signed the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 in June the actual date the country would leave the EU, deal or no deal, has been certain. But now even that is under threat as a cabal of hard-remain politicians work to nullify that date, The Observer reports.
“Senior Tory and Labour MPs are planning to force the government to delay Brexit by several months to avoid a no-deal outcome if Theresa May fails to get her deal through parliament in January”, claims the weekend sister-paper to The Guardian, which reports the work to delay the official Brexit date has been underway for several weeks.
The paper reported an unnamed “senior” Conservative who said of the plot: “I have had these discussions with ministers. They will not say so in public but of course the option of a delay has to be looked at in detail now. “If we are determined to avoid a no deal, and the prime minister’s deal fails, we will have to ask to stop the clock, and that will give time for us to decide to go whatever way we decide thereafter.” Using the loaded term “cliff-edge Brexit” to describe properly leaving the European Union, the paper reported Remainer MPs believed they had a majority in Parliament to suspend the legal Brexit date. Senior Labour Brexit figure Sir Keir Starmer said delaying Brexit day would give enough time for a second referendum — a pet project for Remainers who would see the Brexit vote overturned at near any cost — and that “at this stage nothing should be ruled out”.
Former prime minister and Iraq war architect Tony Blair is one of those who holds the British people in contempt, and has recently said: “Up to the very end I am going to do everything I can to stop [Brexit]”. The globalist is a keen supporter of a second referendum, presumably for that purpose.""

Like all Tory MPs, he's on the side of Number One - to heck with the people he represents.
Do you actually believe what you post sometimes Tora? Occasionally it sounds like self-parody :-)
The EUSSR rats are already planning for a re-run.

""Merkel ally and candidate for president of the European Commission Manfred Weber has said that the EU should have “interfered” during the Brexit campaign.
Asked by Frankfurter Rundshau whether the bloc should work harder to woo British MPs to accept Prime Minister Theresa May’s Withdrawal Agreement, rather than reject it and press on with a clean break from the EU, Manfred Weber said, “We should have interfered during the Brexit campaign.
“We should have said to the British: Stay with us. Although Brexit is a national decision, it affects us all immensely. Our silence was a mistake.”
The EU’s budget commissioner Günther Oettinger warned Thursday that Germany may have to face its own ‘negative consequences’ of a no-deal Brexit after the German native warned that without the British £39 billion divorce bill, Germany would have to fork out additional hundreds of millions of euros to cover the shortfall.
Weber, an ally of German Chancellor Angela Merkel and member of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), is a career Brussels bureaucrat who though was in the Bavarian state parliament never held national office in Germany.""

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