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What Odd Stories Do You Have To Tell?

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naomi24 | 10:28 Tue 08th Jan 2019 | Society & Culture
63 Answers
I’ve asked this question before, but a long time ago, so just for a bit of fun I’ll ask it again.

Contestants on ‘Only Connect’ always have a quirky little tale to tell about themselves, so if you were taking part, what would your story be?

Me? In the footsteps of the biblical Moses and his band of Israelites, I was once led across the Sinai desert .... by a man named Moses.


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Do any of these count . . . ? I've mentioned several times before on AB that I once lost a train. (It was on Platform 1 when the branch line was closed for emergency engineering work but then, several hours later after the line had been repaired, I put out a PA announcement inviting passengers to board the train on Platform 1, it had vanished!) A conference speech I...
11:03 Tue 08th Jan 2019
I would say that counted, Bagpuss, how did that come about?
I was once offered 4 camels for my girlfriend by 4 swarthy looking men as we laid on a beach in southern Spain (or it could have been was a long time ago).
Lol Zacs...someone offered to buy me with camels in Tunisia. I was only about 13, he liked my eyes apparently.
They were agents working for that Balearic Arch womaniser known as *S*Q*A*D
At 1am in the morning on new years eve, I once had to chase and catch 2 Irish Wolf hounds belonging to a member of a fairly prominent 1970s pop group.
ummmm, my girlfriend was topless at the time. I don't think it was her eyes they liked ;-)
Ha, could well have been, retro.
I had a slice of Elton John's 50th birthday cake
I don't suppose so :-)

I was contracted to cut the pasture at the site of the first automatic level crossing in the UK.
Don't rush for my autograph... One at a time one at a time
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If we're competing for prices in camels, my husband was once offered 1000 for me. Fortunately for the prospective buyer his offer was refused. Doubtless after a day or two he'd have brought me back and asked for a refund. ;o)
Well i got offered 1000 and one camels. I turned them down though because i don't smoke.
Gutted...I think they only offered 30 for me!!
I often wonder how she did with those 4 blokes. The camels are fine by the way.
There must have been more Camels to the wench back in your day, Naomi.
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I shouldn't worry too much Ummmm. They enjoy the same old joke with all foreigners. If anyone took them seriously they'd run a mile!
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Zacs-Master, or maybe more wench ... ;o)
Too late, I'm upset now :-)

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