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My Tribe Is Dying.

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Theland | 23:01 Sat 17th Aug 2019 | Society & Culture
169 Answers
What can be done?


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What is your tribe?
Maybe ease off on the diatribe?
We're all dying.
Are you Yoruban?

Theland for goodness sake get a life!
marry into another tribe?
Are you really Chingachgook, the last of the mohicans?.
You realise this is a UK site do you?
Have you contacted the Department for Indian Affairs. I know one of you managed a well aimed arrow and zapped a Col G. Custer ( Good Shot sir) but although he is not accountable for the genocide now cos he is brown bread I am sure,being in the USA, there is plenty of wonga or wigwam as compensation.
Custer was shot by bullets, not arrows. That's the thing about the arms trade, its proponents sell them to the enemy too.
I am sure George wasn't too concerned what killed him at the time. He had a lot of problems on his pate. Like a war tomahawk removing it.
Looks like time for bed.
Make sure the following footsteps don't catch you!
he wasn't scalped either, just stripped.
I didn't know I wasn't there. Obviously I am a lot younger than you but I bow to your experience.
//being in the USA, there is plenty of wonga or wigwam as compensation//

Will he like the wigwam? He doesn't seem very con-tent (sorry)
Buy a mausoleum and funeral insurance.
Stock up on Carlsberg and finger food for the onslaught of wakes.
Posted with good in-tent ;-)
Question Author
My English tribe.
Cheer up Theland.
Your tribe is flourishing in many parts of the world.

A little ditty to help alleviate your sadness.

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