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divegirl | 09:31 Sun 22nd Sep 2019 | Society & Culture
88 Answers
'Speciesism' is the idea that being human is a good enough reason for human animals to have greater moral rights than non-human animals. ...a prejudice or bias in favour of the interests of members of one's own species and against those of members of other species.

Having read with interest the post on killing 'rescue' dogs... and other non human animals I presume? Would you watch this documentary?



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Not that difficult was it.
I could cook it alright but would need the inspiration. I'm yet to try a meat free alternative that I like though.
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May I suggest the Vivera burger available in Morrisons as a transistion burger.... bestest dirtiest burger you will ever eat!!!!!

No Naomi... nor is not killing for pleasure x
//nor is not killing for pleasure //

//You know all of those poor animals are killed in the production of soy right? //
I never mentioned soy but never mind.
All your plant based products involve the death of animals.
And as I said, I wished it weren't so.
But it is.
Next time you feel superior having a bowl of cereal, ask youself, exactly how that cereal was bought to your bowl. It involved the destruction of hundreds (thousands) of lives that had a hand in producing it for you.
Also ask yourself why there hasn't been a single vegan society on Earth, at anytime, anywhere.
Any diet that relies on (manmade) suppliments such as B12 is NOT a natural diet.
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Once again, thanks for the big up, but it's not my cereal.

I think you'll find it's not just vegans that eat cereal ... but you crack on!

I acknowledge all destruction in my name but as a vegan I seek to cause to the least harm to animals as possible. I don't get how this is that hard to understand?

I am against cruelty and if that offends you and makes you retaliate against me for being so... then so be it.

Peace and love xx
Nailit's argument wasn't silly... it's a good question. Why are the lives of insects less important then? Because they are smaller?
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OK nailet... gonna assume you may be a little stressed out.

But here is the link to the vegan society [right here on this earth]

And as for B12... It used to be available to us though unwashed vegetables. Now meat eaters obtain it via animals injected with it.
Personally I take a supplement to cut the need for animal death x
//I think you'll find it's not just vegans that eat cereal ...//

But they’re the only ones condemning others.
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Nailit's argument wasn't silly... it's a good question. Why are the lives of insects less important then? Because they are smaller?


So you know that if we stopped eating meat as a planet we could produce the amount of food we need using far less of the earth... hence less plants that feel pain dying and the death of less insects and animals....

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Mark as Best Answer
//I think you'll find it's not just vegans that eat cereal ...//

But they’re the only ones condemning others.


Plants that feel pain dying? Are you ok?
For you, millions of dead insects might be acceptable, for others, it won't. Each to their own.
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So you're vegan Pixie?
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the plants feeling pain was reference to another argument given by meat eaters, a simple attempt at sarcasm
I am no more a vegan than you are... animals die to feed you and they die to feed me.
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I am vegan.
I'm sorry that you can't understand that a person would seek to cause as little pain to others as possible... but I do.

Oh and I'm fine thank you. I live a peaceful simple life.
Veganism....another stupid religion...
AGAIN,,,,There have NEVER been a vegan society on Earth...EVER.
Most people do, divegirl....I doubt anyone ever achieves it. Claiming only insects and small mammals die on your behalf doesn't make you any more moral than anyone else- just less honest.
just where do you get ur B12 from Divegirl?
Do you drink dirty water? (full of *** and shiit) Or do you take a manmade supplement?

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