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With The Present Coronavirous Do Itens Like Gloves /Masks Etc Have A Shelf Life

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gollob | 17:48 Wed 06th May 2020 | Society & Culture
12 Answers
I notice my hand gel has a date on it but what that means I do not know


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Yes, that is one of the issues that will make it very expensive to maintain billions of PPE stocks in reserve at all times and why NHS managers were reluctant to spend anything like enough of their budgets on huge stocks of something they might have to keep discarding unused and replacing
Hand gel may have a "manufactured on" date.
It may also/or have a BBE won't lose it's efficacy as a sanitiser but may become less of a gel and more liquid as it gets older.
Vinyl gloves and masks should last for years if kept sealed and at a reasonable temperature.
see this Expiry Dates section on an NHS site
Found this on a H&S website.

Glove shelf life depends on how products are stored and on the materials used to manufacture them. Natural latex gloves have an approximate three-year shelf life, while gloves made of nitrile, Hycar, neoprene, PVC, urethane, PVA, EVOH, polyethylene and other synthetic coatings have a nominal five-year shelf life

I'm not sure if these shelf life figures apply to current equipment used with Covid
Nice point
ordering and storing and er paying is considered in all elementary book keeping courses which means I did it last year
first treated maffically ( wiv maffs yeah?) 1913 and the analysis is robust - that is still valid and used

it turns out you can find a minimum cost to ordering regularly, storing, sixe of store and turn over - first-in-dirst-out

in answer to the question
I mean after a few years they will start perishing ....

I would save money and just wash hands but that wasnt the q

Do you remember the moronic Steven Field - medical officer of something and clearly not in possession of O level physics
railing and ranting about finding an oxygen bottle used - beyond its use-by date?
I was the one who put the hacks up to asking him what was wrong with out of date or sell by date oxygen - it is an element and been around for 15 bn y

boy did he spew some more .....
What is an iten?
He is back,
// What is an iten?//

er it is the ancient sun disc that Amenophis IV worshipped in his new religion, and changed his name to Akhaten, He mved his capital to modern tel el amarna in the now Minya governorate.
His son Tutankhaten changed back to the old religion and his name back to Tutankhamen - around 1350 BC

why do you ask?
What does mved mean?
Mved was the old Capital ,silly.
when hand gel first entered general use in the NHS, it was about 18 ish years ago...maybe 20 or a bit more. All of us community workers were given small dispensers to be carried in our pockets for use between home visits. I can remember a few years after that...say 5 or so, outdated hand gel was offered to us for home use. it was still absolutely fine but was no longer a gel but a liquid and would leak out of the dispenser if bumped around in a pocket or bag.
PP I think the stockpiling issue is a problem when you need to store much more than you will use over the "use by" might be the case with pandemic stores.

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With The Present Coronavirous Do Itens Like Gloves /Masks Etc Have A Shelf Life

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