Pasta; no you didn't; but you seemed to imply that black means Jamaican - I'd have probably said black sub-Saharan original person; more succinct! Sorry to pick you up over a non-issue arising from me not reading your post intelligently.
Jakdaw 16:57. "So Jesus Christ himself is the next target of these raving nutters!
First words of the cross:
'Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do'."
I don't understand what point you are making. Could you perhaps explain? Or perhaps confirm that you are "trolling" so that I know how to assess your posts?
Representations of a black Jesus (and his mum) have been in existence for hundreds of years - and they’re not in short supply. As far as I’m aware no one ever made a fuss about it - but here we go - something else to make waves with. A sign of the times.