Quizzes & Puzzles4 mins ago
The Great Reset 2021
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.'' The Great Reset 2021 Expplained'', is on YouTube but although it can be viewed it cannot be shared, such is its controversial nature.
Made by Neil McCoy Ward.
The global elites in Davis, The World Economic Forum, are about to launch this plan, describing Covid as an, ''Opportunity,'' and led by Klaus Schwab.
Its really scary!g
Made by Neil McCoy Ward.
The global elites in Davis, The World Economic Forum, are about to launch this plan, describing Covid as an, ''Opportunity,'' and led by Klaus Schwab.
Its really scary!g
There's lots of articles about it...depending on which you read, it may be a plan for big business to drastically change both society and capitalism for the worse, or it's a means to save the world.
https:/ /navdan yainter nationa l.org/w orld-ec onomic- forums- great-r eset-pl an-for- big-foo d-benef its-ind ustry-n ot-peop le/
https:/ /sociab le.co/t echnolo gy/skep tical-g reat-re set-tec hnocrat ic-agen da-wait ed-year s-crisi s-explo it/
https:/ /www.we forum.o rg/agen da/2020 /11/the -great- reset-b uilding -future -resili ence-to -global -risks/
Sorry...meant to post this from the website, not the one above...
https:/ /www.we forum.o rg/agen da/2020 /06/now -is-the -time-f or-a-gr eat-res et/
Financial institutions always have seemed rather clandestine, questionable practices. This guy, however, seems to take a very pessimistic view of what can or will be achieved. Some things may be possible for the very wealthy but others can be resisted by the citizens if they are aware it isn't in their interest. We should not fear for worst case scenarios.
The global lockdowns are doubling up as a kind of experiment to see what general populations will accept, and contribute to the data being collated ready for the next move.
South Australia has a lockdown far stricter than ours, and the people are compliant.
So what could be the next experiment? Curfews? Plod and Squaddies on the streets asking for papers? As happened in France.
We British are a remarkably compliant nation, must look how we queue! That too is a marker for the data collectors.
South Australia has a lockdown far stricter than ours, and the people are compliant.
So what could be the next experiment? Curfews? Plod and Squaddies on the streets asking for papers? As happened in France.
We British are a remarkably compliant nation, must look how we queue! That too is a marker for the data collectors.
And whos pulling all the strings. We know goverments cant organise fairly simple things like ordering PPE, making its mind up on free school meals in holidays, set up a track and trace, decide whether to prorougue parliment, stop dinghys landing on are shores. They cant even organise an election count alledgedly. Big supermarkets cant stock enough toilet rolls
So how could anyone organise a worldwide conspriocy which involves millions of doctors, scientists and all goverments.
Its poppycock
So how could anyone organise a worldwide conspriocy which involves millions of doctors, scientists and all goverments.
Its poppycock
Oh, and South Australia is coming out of the lockdown early....
https:/ /www.te legraph .co.uk/ news/20 20/11/2 0/south -austra lia-com es-lock down-ea rly-man -linked -outbre ak-lied /
It's not a conspiracy...yet. But it does seem like a well organised plan for the future with a number of well known global companies and big business involved in it. Who will benefit...the people? Or the already huge conglomerates?
I gatger there's a huge emphasis on the climate, energy sourcing etc...but also a move to a more plant based agricultural future. Not sure about that. I don't know if it includes anything about compassionate/sustainable farming or the rewilding of land.
I gatger there's a huge emphasis on the climate, energy sourcing etc...but also a move to a more plant based agricultural future. Not sure about that. I don't know if it includes anything about compassionate/sustainable farming or the rewilding of land.