I found that a name of the wicked rots from God’s memory, but the good name of the obedient, God remembers, either to preserve them through Armageddon if they are living then or resurrect them to life on earth.
Eccl 7:1
True but not terrified, just aware that I'm to be obedient. Imagine if everyone did that - there would be no wars, crime, famine, poverty or immorality. People would love and respect everyone.
Goodlife; 11.42
Are you saying that obedience to god would result in everyone loving and respecting each other? Surely obedience to a command cannot result in genuine love and respect. If a person orders me to show him respect and obedience (and some people do issue such orders), I would feel the opposite so far as he was concerned.
that eez the greek translation that the alexandrians jews commissioned in 330 BC ( seventy sages emerged from their cells waving identical translations )
good is used rather than better - (beltion) and than is translated above.
an just in case you think it is ecclesiasticus ( ekkl- easy- whaticus, a thousand ABers echo) - that is
Do no evil, so shall no harm come unto thee. 2 Depart from the unjust, and iniquity shall turn away from thee.
if there is any form of God why would they make peoples lives so hard, or in the case of many children, cancer. As in little Ava who at two had it and died. I can't understand any God being that cruel.
Jesus did,“Although he was a Son, he learned obedience from the things he suffered, and after he had been made perfect he became responsible for everlasting salvation to all those obeying him.” (Heb. 5:8, 9, NW)
AuntPollyGrey@ don't you watching TV it going on there save the planet David attenborugh very worried. I thing you find it all man doing.
Theland, why and how do you believe there is another life without suffering? Why did God not start with that? And it can't be about testing... if it was him who created everyone.