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Who Has Been To The Pub This Week?

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dave50 | 10:58 Fri 21st May 2021 | Society & Culture
10 Answers
My wife and I will be going into one or two pubs this weekend, maybe to a restaurant as well. We are really looking forward to going into social venues at last and no we are not the slightest bit worried or nervous or whatever. Pity about the masks when moving about but you can't have everything I suppose.
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Nope. I only really go to the pub for occasions. I was bought up in a pub and worked various pubs. The novelty wore off. Plus I'm lazy :-)
me, but don't tell doris . . .
We went to our local pub for lunch with four friends yesterday and really enjoyed it.
No, not till next week and then the weekend after (for meals) - can't wait !
Going to a pub/restaurant in the Yorkshire dales tomorrow.
Might go out tomorrow as it's my OHs birthday.
We don't go to the pub often as we don't drink much but we're going for an Italian meal Monday. It was the last place we went before the first lockdown so seems apt, really.
Not yet, haven't had the time.
Nope...not on my own.
Hopefully next weekend if daughter and her partner come down as planned.
We did. On Tuesday. Just a quick impromptu stop but it was great to be able to!

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