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Atheist 22:10 Sun 30th May 2021 Some of you have a distorted perception of the universe. The Earth is a tiny speck of dust in the outskirts of a tiny solar system
////yes our planet Earth is truly a wonderful rare beautiful Jewel In Space , Also of Interest is the Fight of all the planets in our solar system only on Earth have scientists found life ? also of Interest is the Fight of all the planets in our solar system only on Earth have scientists found life ? this is because the amount light and heat required to sustain life the distance from the sun 93,00,000 miles ? But now with powerful instruments that scan the heavens scientists know that there is much- much more in Fact what has been observed is far more or so- so than anyone have ever imagined Our galaxy contains over 100 billion stars ,,this is just one Galaxy but there are many many galaxies out there..
To me this must have had a designer because this just doesn't just arrived out of nowhere because it's too precise and nothing is out of position or place and it keeps rotating and rotating and rotating not one falls out of place the Earth has been rotating around the sun 400 and 100 or maybe thousands of years but it still stays in its orbit,.SO this designer must have a purpose for all this arrangement this arrange
This is like a man who builds a house and designs it for, His purpose so he doesn't want to leave it, it and it goes into neglect and starts to crumble.