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ynnafymmi 26 dec 2022 coooee .locust steel looking for an answer to my qusetion .
locuost .AT SOME time in your life, you may have asked: ‘If God exists, why does he permit suffering?’ or, ‘If exists by God’s permission, why for such a long time?’ Questions of this nature are difficult to resolve, especially when related to the Holocaust, which perhaps more than any other single occurrence has become the ultimate symbol of human suffering. In their efforts to find an explanation, some deny the existence of God, whereas others deny the existence of evil. Are such conclusions realistic? Does a satisfying answer exist? Putting the Blame Where It Belongs
God is not, and never has been, a party to man’s crimes. However, certain religious teachings convey that idea, making the matter even more complicated. For instance, beliefs affirming that this world is a testing ground for a future life and that through death God “takes” loved ones, even small children, make it appear that he is personally responsible for accidents, crimes, and disasters. The same can be said concerning the doctrines of predestination and fate. There are also those who try to explain the Holocaust in terms of ‘divine punishment for the worldliness of the European Jews’ or as ‘God’s way to make the world realize the need for a Jewish State.’ Many may find such rationalizations not only unacceptable but also offensive. Who Has the Right to Decide