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Why Did God Make Man ?

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locust | 09:11 Fri 23rd Dec 2022 | Society & Culture
66 Answers
Perfect man, created in the image and likeness of his Creator, What has happened to man ? Is there a chance that man - will turn back to god - and will find the truth creator. or the god of the heavens - Isaiah 54.13 And all your sons will be taught by creator And the peace of your sons will be abundant.


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Locust, the only reason you cling so desperately to this damaging nonsense and feel qualified to screw with people’s minds - which is what you and your religion does - is because you fear death. Others don’t. They accept that everything in nature dies eventually - including man. You’re not so special. You just think you are.
Online preachers make religion look like a scam. I bet the Pope and archbishop of Canterbury are impressed.
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NAOMI 24 24 dec 2022
goes to show how HIGH-AND MIGHTY you are . I am now in my 80 s. And.steel reading the bible . I'm still learning from the Bible. and STELL coming to an understanding of it .I will never get the full KNOWLEDGE of it . time is geting short-- my days will be coming to an end shortly -. BUT I do have the hope of this everlasting life in the new KINGDOM that God has put in place for all those who are sheep like ones .and will look for his guidance .Matthew .6-10.
“‘Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified. 10
Let your Kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also on earth.
locust, my faults are many - but wilfully damaging vulnerable minds isn’t one of them.
Follow your religion but STOP PREACHING and PUSHING it on to others.
What you do is cruel, poisonous and aimed at creating fear, using threats of hellfire and damnation is no different to threatening people with any other means to cause harm. I don't believe in your god, your heavenly kingdom, or hell but if I did I would have unswerving confidence in your ultimate destination. With all the other evil twisted creatures that through history have sought to control others.
Where was God when the Nazis were herding the wee children into the gas chambers,Locust?Where the f was your God?GTF,mate,just GTF with your religious pious nonsense.
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Ynnafymmi sat 24 dec 2022 Where the f was your God ? GTF,mate,just ,GTF .with your religious pious nonsense. Where was God when the Nazis were herding the wee children into the gas chambers,Locust
LOCUST .when you realize how ridiculous these scenarios are, you will have to laugh
God's people do not look. (Yes LOOK) for specialised treatment they look for the kingdom of God . which is to come -The gift of the creators love and kindness. And we recognise that his word is . Let your will take place.( Ephesias . 1 8.9.10.This undeserved kindness
Another reason to appreciate the of GOD organization
arrangement . that it aids us to understand God’s provisions for blessing obedient ones, and then to bring our lives into harmony with the divine will. (Matt. 24:45-47) This brings us happiness now despite world gloom, for it s truly satisfying to know that one is pleasing God. By its publications and through other means, the true Christian organization keeps prominently before us the Biblical prospect of endless, happy life under the rule of God’s kingdom. (Rev. 21:3-5) What a blessing! How much we should appreciate God’s earthly organization and our opportunities to praise god .with his people!
Locust. If you had spent years at a Catholic school you would know the answer to your question.
God made me to know him, to love him, and to serve him. How creepy is that?
The Catechism recited every morning. Afternoons were reserved for physical and sexual abuse from nuns and priests.

I still have some family and friends who believe that after death they will be sitting at the right hand of god. It's a little annoying that they will just be gone and never know they were wrong, conned and had their good nature abused and used....but maybe that's kinder for them than knowing the truth at last.
It's quite a while since I've read my catechism but I half remember it saying God made us so we could worship him.
Maybe I've misremembered because that doesn't seem very sensible.
Why would a loving, omnipotent god create a world so full of pain and suffering? Why would he permit children to die of leukaemia when, one assumes, he could prevent it so easily?
Coooee,locust,still looking for an answer to my question @15.20 saturday.
Little red book, Sandy. First page every morning.
Who made me?
god made me.

Why did god make me?
god made me to know him, to love him and to serve him in this world and be happy with him in the next.
Then dozens and dozens more questions and answers about taking more care of the soul than the body...Jesus giving the true faith to the Catholics...worshiping god and the Apostle's Creed. Oh how that went on. It was nearly dinner time before we finished. :-(
An experiment? A bit of fun?..
Didn't Frankenstein try that, Patsy?
Yes, he did, Gness. Oh dear.. :-)
I don’t think locust needs to be convinced of the failings of the Roman Catholic Church.
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ynnafymmi 26 dec 2022 coooee .locust steel looking for an answer to my qusetion .
locuost .AT SOME time in your life, you may have asked: ‘If God exists, why does he permit suffering?’ or, ‘If exists by God’s permission, why for such a long time?’ Questions of this nature are difficult to resolve, especially when related to the Holocaust, which perhaps more than any other single occurrence has become the ultimate symbol of human suffering. In their efforts to find an explanation, some deny the existence of God, whereas others deny the existence of evil. Are such conclusions realistic? Does a satisfying answer exist? Putting the Blame Where It Belongs
God is not, and never has been, a party to man’s crimes. However, certain religious teachings convey that idea, making the matter even more complicated. For instance, beliefs affirming that this world is a testing ground for a future life and that through death God “takes” loved ones, even small children, make it appear that he is personally responsible for accidents, crimes, and disasters. The same can be said concerning the doctrines of predestination and fate. There are also those who try to explain the Holocaust in terms of ‘divine punishment for the worldliness of the European Jews’ or as ‘God’s way to make the world realize the need for a Jewish State.’ Many may find such rationalizations not only unacceptable but also offensive. Who Has the Right to Decide
He was bored !!
Pity he didn’t take up knitting, Seek….or join a Men’s Shed to deal with the boredom.

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