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Ok As Promised - Suggestions To Halt Islamification

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ToraToraTora | 09:08 Thu 09th May 2024 | Society & Culture
137 Answers

NB for the pedants and nit pickers there may be exceptions to the suggestions below, I will mention them if I think about them, if I do not that just means I cannot think of an exception. This list is by no means exhaustive. You may note that many of the suggestions apply to any religion. Feel free to add your own suggestions.

1.  Automatic rejection of any immigrant or asylum seeker that is Muslim.

2. No accommodation for the rituals or demands of any religion in schools. Religious education as a subject is allowed but must cover all main religions. All current religious schools to be converted or closed down.

3. No provision for any religion in the work place and no practicing the rituals of any religion. Employers can instantly dismiss any transgression.

4. Any extreme preaching (current UK definition) will result in instant arrest and internment until trial. If guilty 10 years to life no remission.

5. No Hijab or burka, full face coverings allowed in public.

6. No preaching except within the building designated for the purpose of the religion.

7. The production and supply of Halaal and Kosher meat would be illegal. Both Islam and Judaism have provision in their scriptures for this.

8. No religious “courts” , “councils” or other pseudo bodies to be allowed.

9. Local authorities and government generally are barred from any sort of special religious provision.

10. Any Islamic TV or radio channel must be closed down, any transgression should be treated as in 4.

11. Demonstrations are allowed but any extremist talk or placard will be treated as in 4.

12. Close down any jihadist web sites, blogs, Videos and prosecute those responsible where possible as in 4.

13. Block Imams access to any place of education, prisons, forces etc

14. Any attempt at implementing anything from sharia law to be prosecuted as in 4.

15. Allow no new mosques unless an old mosque is decommissioned. The total number of mosques to not exceed what it is now.



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First of all, Tora: Thank you. You've out your money where your mouth is so to speak and come up with suggestions to curb radicalisation. So many on both sides of the politics debate are blinkered and have their stock go-to opinions with no back up, so credit to you for this whole post, regardless of how much people agree with. Now, some opinions. A blanket ban on...
12:55 Thu 09th May 2024

//The right to be able to see who others are trumps the right to wear whatever you wish.//


Why does it? Does this mean that a kid is banned from wearing a balaclava in winter? Should people be banned from wearing a coat with it's hood up?

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Mozz I think he's refering to full face covering, hoods, etc fine

OG - // The right to be able to see who others are trumps the right to wear whatever you wish. //

I don't believe it actually does.

If people choose to go out covered up, and consider that this can include hoodies, duffle coats, balaclavas, baseball caps, the list goes on, then there is no 'right' that compels them to reveal everything to complete strangers.

In security situations, the request to remove a face covering should be adhered to, but in terms of simple dress in public, subject to laws of decency, it should remain entirely an individual choice.

Security is obviously more important than sartorial elegance preference.


Wear a balaclava if desired but ensure it is not covering the face when inappropriate. Society needs to know who was misbehaving.

OG - // 

Security is obviously more important than sartorial elegance preference.


Wear a balaclava if desired but ensure it is not covering the face when inappropriate. Society needs to know who was misbehaving. //

Now you are moving the goal posts.

I confirmed that for security reasons a face covering should be removed on request, but that's a long way from simply banning face coverings, which is what you advocated in your original post.

What Tora is suggesting is straight out of 1930's Germany if you changed every reference of Muslims to Jews.

It is straight forward racism. Why do the moderators allow this?

Not really, the goal posts may not have been defined in detail as it gets one mired in making decisions on the fly, but if no one is around with a need to see who you are then some allowance can be made. In most social situations you do need to be recognisable though. One can debate possible exceptions another time.

Well he hasn't suggested book burning, crescent armbands, banning of muslims as shopkeepers or exclusion from the professions. Just sayin'

Fiveleaves - As Moderators, we enforce an advised set of Rules.

We do not bring our personal views and opinions to moderation.

We may disagree with the views expressed by individual posters, but we do not get involved in censorship of those views.

You, as much as anyone on here, have enjoyed the largesse of free speech as it is offered, you can't complain because others do the same.

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19:02 I suggest you get some education about what you are talking.

At the last census 6.5% of the UK population stated they were Muslim. Put another way 93.5% of the UK population is non Muslim. So the Islamization of the UK is just garbage

Such a small proportion of the population and yet nine of our major cities, including London and Birmingham, have muslim mayors. Votes from what are termed 'useful idiots' helps considerably.   Wake up.  

naomi - // Such a small proportion of the population and yet nine of our major cities, including London and Birmingham, have muslim mayors. Votes from what are termed 'useful idiots' helps considerably.   Wake up.  //

I would suggest that a majority of votes from non-Muslim voters would have secured a non-Muslim mayor in each case, and you would have no cause for comment, much less complaint, because that is democracy in action.

But because Muslim voters choose to vote for their chosen candidate, and the apathy of the non-Muslim majority gives that candidate the winning number of votes, then those voters become 'useful idiots'.

An interesting perspective on democracy at work.

It is straight forward racism. Why do the moderators allow this? Moderators' caprice - we have been forbidden to have german in the same post as israel or jew. I tried Nederlands, and that was thrown out.

Yours is on a time trial - Andy cracks a good one-liner: We do not bring our personal views and opinions to moderation. Did he keep his face straight as he wrote that ?

Anyway by judicious moderation, this thread is admirably islamophobic. That's life


NAOMI, what are the cities with Muslim Mayors?

PP - If you post another inference that the Moderators on this site facilitate Islamophobia, I will suspend you.

Fair warning.

I suggested a fairly straightforward and uncontroversial start towards the end of your last post on this,TTT.  A ban on ritually slaughtered meat should be achievable in the first instance.

Many of the others should also be achievable, but some, as mentioned before, would perhaps class as Islamophobic. Start with the ones that can be achieved.  On their own they may achieve the desired aim of forcing (sadly it is needed) integration to a much larger extent and isolating the extremists from the general population.


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22:04 I do not expect any of them would be implemented. We are too much under the spell of lefty EW Trobiscite types. We have a choice between TINO and LINO and they are more or less identical in this sort of area. Like someone said above, I am glad that I am at this end of my life I'd hate to see what's comming. 

Some say there needs to be an urgent team meeting with a view to curbing the worst excesses of the volunteers.

Power corrupts...

Oh, and take back control of taxis and petrol stations.

English IS required matey.

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