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Not me guv, I love a spot of bo peep in the arter noon!

I like a power nap, resting the eyes for half an hour after lunch.

Wish I could drop off during the afternoon, but it tends not to work if tried. Just lie there awake.

4 pints should help OG!

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The temperature here is 35° - I kid you not!  Only mad dogs & Englismen would go out in it (according to Noel Coward).

In fact we like one all year round.

Good to hear it's now above freezing.

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The Protestant Work Ethic vs. the Catholic Siesta. 

'A society based on the Protestant Work Ethic, a society with no siestas, is an anti-human society that treats human beings like machines. In fact, it treats humans worse than it treats animals. Even cattle need rest between ploughs and sojourns in the pastures, but humans are given thirty minutes to eat a sandwich and have to scrape together ten days a year to rest.' 

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Do Englishmen Ditesta Siesta ?

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