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Boat People?

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maggiebee | 18:25 Thu 12th Sep 2024 | Society & Culture
19 Answers

Look from a Different Angle by Paula Cleary


I live in the land of Angles

Of Saxons

Of Jutes

Of Celts

Of Romans

Of Normans

Of Scandanavians

I live in the land that was shaped by thousands of generations


Fortune hunters

Treasure seekers

Wanderers and sailors

Conquerors and settlers

Warriors and lovers

Chancers and traders

Looking for a better life

In waves and on waves

They came and they came

And we are the product of them all

Yet we have the nerve and the ignorance

and memory loss which makes a few of us spew hatred

towards "people in boats"

That they are somehow different

from the people who shaped our isle

We. are. ALL. descended. from.

people. in. boats



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I'd hazard a guess that you wouldn't want your future shaped by these people in boats, maggiebee. 

None of those mentioned in the OP wanted sharia law...

Yep, but that was then and this is now. And illegals in boats aint welcome, despite some starry eyed version of Imagine. Tis true.

Maggiebee your analogy works if you are comparing the current people in boats to invading foreign savages.

My guess is the Romans used small boats. People havemigrated from place to place for thousands of years. It is not going to stop in 2024

Since the times you refer to nations have formed and they have agreed borders. They needed to do so in order to look after their own citizens and advance.


Plus the world, or some of it, became more civilised over time and now only tyrannical regimes ( who know no better and care less) invade to enlarge their empire; whereas in the past it was accepted to be more of a free for all and might equated to right.


These changes mean one can not reasonably compare the past with the present. The past is a different world.


Now we need to respect other nations, unless there is an agreed overwhelming decision that one or more is doing something so immoral it is the duty of the rest to intervene. This respect most certainly extends to not invading others just because you want to. Because you want a piece of what another nation worked to achieve. If you want to move to another country then you must request permission and say why you would be an asset. Otherwise you should, instead, work to improve your own country.


Given that it is natural to be opposed to those who try to force themselves upon us, while they demonstate no thought for morality just obsession with self gain.


It would be strange indeed to accept that activity let alone approve & support it.

I don't blame the migrants - anyone (me?) in deperate circumstances in their own country might seek to go to somewhere that offered a better life.

However, it's just not possible for millions or billions of poorer country natives to migrate to the richer countries and maintain stability.

I don't know what the solution might be - I'm kinda glad I won't be here to see it.

Solved by UK in the 19th century. We exported civilisation. They crave it so much the risk their lives to get here.

//Yep, but that was then and this is now. And illegals in boats aint welcome//

Neither were the Saxons, Jutes, Vikings, Romans or Normans from whom most of us are decended. 

We didn't have to put them up in hotels and spend a fortune on them

That was then, this is now. Twas ever thus. It won't change.

//Solved by UK in the 19th century. We exported civilisation//

Root me sideways,,, how is civilisation somehow confused with colonial rape and plunder of the riches that some countries held that the UK, and other countries wanted?

Most of the countries that were invaded by the greedy bar stewards were quite happy living life the way it was for many thousands of years.

Until the greedy white *** invaded 😒


I'm with you Maggiebee. 

I'd be full of bonhomie on this topic too if I lived in Scotland and knew they were not going to try and land on my local beaches.

It's also worth pointing out that the UK is very open to legal Immigrants.

Aye - the world would probably be a better place if no one had ever moved more than 10 miles from their birthplace. But we are where we are...

The south is just a staging post Prudie, plenty of unwashed, sullen young men being billeted in Scotland, a few hundred in a hotel within walking distance of my front gate and that's not a city location.

Of course nobody dare say a word about the massing of the friends of Mohammed in training barracks lest they be whisked off to jail for racist hate speech.

I did wonder that after I posted Dougie, I had to go to Stirling on a work trip and I think there were quite a lot of uninvited non-paying  guests in the local Premier Inn (or similar). 

Just because we are descended from pillagers, rapists, violent attackers and aggressive ravagers does not mean we should tolerate any of the above behaviour in our society.   #stoptheboats

Good point, Sinead.  We apparently also descended from apes.  So what?!

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