Forgive And Forget? in The AnswerBank: Society & Culture
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Forgive And Forget?

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davebro3 | 09:52 Sun 10th Nov 2024 | Society & Culture
19 Answers

A guy I knew back in 80s was an out and out mean thief. He was convicted of a minor crime in Scotland (stealing a boat) and later stole from several walking club members - including myself - who accepted him and regarded him as a friend. I didn't know this at the time but have since learned the truth from a reliable source.

Thing is he now "bigs up" his wonderful life on facebook and berates others who don't share his views (politics etc.). I feel I should out him for his past misdeeds and the truly awful character he was.

Should I?😕



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Yes, good for a laugh, it's only Facebook after all 😀      

Go on, stick your oar in. 😄

I'd just ignore it. Why get in a state about it?

There's enough nastiness online without you adding to it. (I hope it's not about someone here on AB.)

No, it will make you feel mucky

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Atheist - I don't know who is on AB. I would guess that he isn't.

I wouldn't. If he's a nasty character you might regret it. Someone else might recognise him and expose him 😁

"he now "bigs up" his wonderful life on facebook and berates others who don't share his views (politics etc.)"

Yeah, could be anyone, prob not here.


Personally I wouldn't sink to his level, unless you think what he is doing could seriously harm someone, then perhaps you should intervene.

Assuming that he penalised for the thefts, what right do you have to drag up the past? Does that not make you as bad as he is?

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He got a community order for the boat theft - his thieving from myself & other friends didn't come to light.

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//Does that not make you as bad as he is?//

I don't steal - even from my friends!

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What would think of a chap who siphons the petrol from a mate's car, then *** in the tank so the car can't be restarted until the system is flushed out & it's parked up in the Lakes miles from anywhere on a Sunday evening?.

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*** rhymes with hisses

Move on. Don't let the past live on disturbing your mind in the present.

You want to out him - to what purpose?  You're just creating problems for yourself.  Leave well alone.  

You could post something along the lines of not everyone being in the same boat as him and others being a great service to the community.

I think all the naysayers lack a sense of humour - it would be a good laugh to see him hoisted on his own petard (i.e. Facebook).

If you really want to 'out him' post a remark on FB in a jokey way about the car/petrol/pee incident. End it with 'What a guy, hey?'. Leave his FB friends to make their own minds up.
Or just don't read his posts. That's what I'd do. 

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