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Another Day, Another Brexit Disaster

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Hymie | 16:22 Mon 09th Dec 2024 | Society & Culture
7 Answers

Remember there will be no downside to Brexit.



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Somebody once said 'give Ireland back to the Irish'.

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Why should they have all the benefits of being members of the EU – I say let them suffer with us.

Hardly a disaster though

"In the early days of the sea border's operation, there were some apocalyptic predictions of collapsing supply chains.

That didn't happen"

"The Windsor Framework means NI has unique dual market access: NI-based manufacturers have better access to the EU single market than firms based in GB, while also retaining full access to the UK market."


I don't remember anyone saying there would be no downside to Brexit.

I think we felt that any possible downsides would be an acceptable consequence of throwing off the yoke of the EU. We knew that the EU would throw a hissy-fit, or two, if we had the temerity to leave......and they have certainly done that.

nice try,but i don't swallow bull###t

The sea border was a consequence of the EU not taking responsibility for their own import checks but refusing to agree to proceed unless the UK did them for them. Consequently it isn't a Brexit downside, it is the downside of having piddle poor neighbours.


It is also a consequence of having elected governments that refused to trigger a forced look at the part of the agreement that doesn't work, in an effort to revise it.

You know ? I don't know why this needs repeating again and again.


Is there some benefit that I'm unaware of for rage-baiting on Answerbank ?

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Another Day, Another Brexit Disaster

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