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Pete65 | 18:29 Mon 16th Dec 2024 | Society & Culture
4 Answers

What does "woke" mean?

And "deep state"?



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Pete unless you are a bot, it is better to google it

Using it's original meaning, 'woke' is a positive characteristic.  i.e. "aware of and actively attentive to important societal facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice)".

However, in a somewhat similar way to describing someone as a 'do-gooder' (which, on the surface, ought to be a positive thing but which is generally used pejoratively), saying that someone is 'woke' (or that they've 'got a woke agenda') is often used as a criticism by those who don't subscribe to liberal values.


'Deep state' is a favourite term of conspiracy theorists!

Question Author

Great stuff, gentlemen!

Thank you, kindly!

woke to me is similar to what we'd mean decades ago by saying someone was 'right on'

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